Don’t make demo locks tuning apply to PvP

I feel proud seeing purple man becoming a thing. :face_holding_back_tears:

That’s true, the reason i hate melee lobby’s is just because they keep sticking to me like glue.

Yes you can have lot of uptime but most of your damage comes in your burst window… most of the time an healer out of cc can heal you without problem with a melee on you…unless dampening it’s not 70%

  • BM and demo WILL ALWAYS be a pet spec

people need to get over it

its here to stay by design

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That’s fine, but we can limit the pets and nerf their dmg to the ground, so nobody wants to play it anymore. :slight_smile:

what and nerf every other class that you dislike as well?

nope. thats not how balance works

I personally dislike playing against demolocks because win condition is hiding behind pillar during NetherPortal.

Their 20 pets which make tab targeting a nightmare is a bonus.

Personally I prefer full damage pre nerf chaos bolts to current single target wrecker Destro. Before ChaosBolt damage increase ChaosBolt did less damage but during Mayhem it did full damage to all targets and it was satisfying, locks had less single target kill potential but 100% damage ChaosBolts to 3 people was really fun, it was your win condition. I wish the spec had stayed as it was.

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been calling lock that since vanil :smiley:

for me its after the marvel villain killgrave aka purple man i see it as reference to marvel

the modern demo with its pet design compared to drain tank vanil/tbc design kinda more fitting on the puppet master theme

funnily i also vividly remember blizz nerfing lock back in tbc with statement that “we dont like drain tanks and do not want that type of gameplay” which i always found funny concidering locks lacked the toolkit which mages have so essentially their thing were drain tanking :smiley:

later i look many generations of locks and other classes and chuckle to that “not want drain tanks”, its not like we dont have tons of self heals and tankyness on multiple classes or that locks havent been doing that for millenia

learnt then to never listen what they say

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Dampening ramps up very fast and in the current meta its rare to ever get into a game that does NOT have an arms warrior so with dampening, close to 100% uptime and MS it quickly becomes an unhealable situation.

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Yeah ok… if you speak about solo shuffle … but I cba people that speak about RSS as the main competitive mode like if there was really something competitive in it I swear you hit 2.8 in 70 round I don’t see what is difficult about that

Change tab to target enemy player or install Retabbinder which makes tab enemy in pve and enemy player in pvp.

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queue pop, empyrean domain

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You might not like it, you might not accept it as competitive however it is the only other form of pvp other than normal battlegrounds that is not yet completely on life support.

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Destro and demo needs ro be nerft not buffed btw blizz not playing there own game is shown once again.

i would like to see big buffs on arms,bm,demo,rsham,priest cos these are the comps im going to play :joy:

Oh wow tyrant gets buffed…crazy.

Can they just revert it back to MoP, please?


also 20% flat dmg increase to fg/imps, im not sure of which of the buffs the op is crying tho as there is few ahead :slight_smile:

but tyrant can go that is for sure, i do not care about this tyrant design or it being demos dps cd at all, its garbage by design and the ramp up when every other class just presses 1 button insta for frontloaded dmg

but yet ppl cry about demo somehow makes me think they dont quite understand the complete design of demo or how it does dmg currently but its not new for people cry nerf for something they dont understand :slight_smile:

interrupt a 1.2s cast(fel obelisk hehe) while stunned from his main pet
why did i mention his main pet? because their tyrant setup nowadays is grimoire felguard(stuns as well, instant)/dogs(instant)/1 imp pack if possible, if not then just tyrant
done big guy pumps 50k/hit and if u dont cs/shadowfury(lol u’re stunned)/teleport it ure dead

the fact that their burst is strongest in the entire game(nobody can achieve this level of burst while doing 5 globals(4 of them are instant) and then /afk for the rest of the duration) and it eats people alive through all CDs if not kited meanwhile getting sustain damage buffs is insane

i mean the tyrant design for dps cd and with ramp up with dozen globals for it is dog when u compare it to any other dps cd that is just pressed in form of frontloaded dmg

so i dont even care about any tyrant buffs, even less when i know from personal experience how it feels like when people just line it or cc it or kick it or… which i all do the same versus demos myself

and u should always play roots vs pet classes, but if the op is crying about the 20% fg/imp dmg then i can to some degree understand i guess but i dont mind as i would like to play my demo more

ok so here is the setup

nether portal(cast, if interrupted then afk for 3 seconds and cast again) grimoire felguard(instant) dogs(instant) hand of guldan(instant due to tier set) felguard stun/coil/tyrant(cast but ure stunned/coiled) in any order)
what do u interrupt here and what will prevent demo from obliterating u

what roots do i play vs pet classes as affliction warlock exactly