I’ve done the Valley of the Four Winds achievement on MoP Remix but didn’t notice that my bags were full so I didn’t get the Halfhill Farmers Backpack cosmetic item that was meant to be the reward for the achievement. Does that mean I can never get the appearance again since the achievement can only be earned once per account?
I checked my mail and checked my appearances, and it’s not in either of those, so it would appear that it’s actually gone forever. Is it possible to somehow still obtain it? I have the achievement, but not the reward for it.
Opening a GM ticket would just lead to them saying that I should submit a bug report instead of resolving it, so it would seem that posting on the forums would be the way to go here.
It seems that it happened to some other people on the US forums as well, and also ended up being unresolved - https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/halfhill-farmers-backpack-missing-even-if-i-got-the-achivement/1917490/3