Don't buy 0-50 boost service

Still, how’s that different? “Don’t buy the service” vs “Don’t buy the service when it comes to”? :smiley: PotAto, potatO? :smiley:

Thats the general point made by me and Barrabutus.

But the OP is clearly upset because according to him, Blizzard just nerfed the ability after he bought a boost.

If he wanted to play druid regardless of Convoke he wouldnt even care.
But he wants to play druid because of the fotm nature of an ability.

And thats not contradicting each other.
The op advices against buying boosts in general because it is wasted money.

But if you want to play a new class and dont want to lvl it, the boost has got you covered.
If you want to play a fotm class, your money may be “wasted”

Nerfed the class with its 3 viable PvP specs. Last night I did play with a Restoration Druid in 2s for several hours just to end up exactly where we initially started. We knew every single game that if it drags too long, we will 100% lose to Dampening, because Restoration Druid is very bad when it comes to Dampening.

Any other class destroys a RDru in Dampening, even the non-healing classes like Prot Pala. Now… on top of that, Retribution is getting a WoG nerf, which combined with the RDru indirect nerfs in 2s, I am now literally never going to make another Arena with a RDru :slight_smile: I would imagine the majority of the other DPS classes feeling pretty much the same way. The only players who think that the Dampening nerf in 2s isn’t affecting the Druid healers THE MOST, clearly never played with one for a partner.

So… the same thing?

Well, said nerf only affects convoke for Balance and Feral.

Furthermore, the topic isnt about class balance or the lack of restorations ability to “properly heal” arena.

Overall buying a boost for a fotm class is a bad idea and the OP “wasnt aware of that” and due to that he wants to advice people not to buy a boost for any character because somehow Blizzard will nerf it as soon as you do so.

Which in practice isnt even close and just overall advising against the lvl boost based upon nerfs or buffs of a class isnt the right argument to advice against the boost.

Its like buying a car with great advertised fuel economics and than tell people to not buy the same car, because those fuel economics arent true in reality.

Which they never are because they are based on data and tests that dont represent day to day use.

Yet I watched a video on YouTube discussing Retribution Paladins using Protection Legendary item in AWC, which LITERALLY said that “Blizzard are holding off with nerfing Legendary items and are super careful with nerfing them, BECAUSE THEY WOULD HAVE TO ISSUE SOUL ASH REFUNDS to the players”.

Why would Blizzard have to issue Soul Ash refunds in case they decide to nerf a Legendary, but that same policy wouldn’t apply to the exact same concept in this current topic?

Same concept, right? It was YOUR choice to pick that Legendary and YOUR choice to spend your resources, and YOU should have anticipated the changes. Why refund you?

And an AWC commentator is a credible source for you? And if they say so, Blizzard will refund soul ash?

They already mentioned it before even launching SL.
Balancing legendaries is tricky and they cant hit legendaries with a 50-60% nerf right out of the gate.

However, if ret paladins are using prot legendaries, i do think we might see things like:
Require prot spec or something similar instead of nerfing legendaries.

And refunding Soul Ash would only happen if they completely messed up with balance and are shifting effects around just 1 week into the expansion.
Which we passed and most of the playerbase is already focusing on extra legendaries and got some upgraded so it isnt a big deal now anyway.

We are not talking about game breaking or class breaking changes.

If you decided to play a class because it is/ was fotm than you should be aware of “how strong they really are” and nerfs could be incoming.
Be that this week or 2 weeks from now.

If you dont want to spend said resources on said character or legendary after a nerf, and only think those resources are spend wisely because its so op atm, you are taking a gamble.
And overall than you shouldnt have spent said resources in the first place.

Because its clearly too strong to go unnoticed (and yes Convoke is on that list especially in pvp)
It has been on forums / twitter / even interviews lately i believe. Etc etc.

And if that fotm thing was the only reason to start playing, that mistake is on you.
And cant be blamed on Blizzard for balancing the game or making it better for everyone.

I absolutely agree with that and this would also apply to taking a gamble with the boost service.

People who relay on one shots and overpowred abilites just sux and shouldnt be doing pvp in the first place… and ppl who buy boosts will forever suck too!

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Which was my point from my first reply and yet you needed many more replies to get to that conclusion.


I wasn’t “arguing” with you, but with all players who are just happy that someone spent their money and got screwed for it. Like, just check the reply above yours :smiley:

But that’s normal, most people appear to be plain happy when posting under a car crash report on the news, the number of Covid deaths and in general when someone else is suffering when it doesn’t affect them :smiley:

It’s a PvP nerf so I don’t care.

Also, I’ve still got two of my three ‘free’ boosts.

Its not about my post count or anything.

Merely pointing out some things regarding boosts and fotm things.
And you claimed there wasnt a difference between certain things and how op and myself posted the “same thing” which we didnt to begin with.

Either way, have a nice day :slight_smile:

haha calm down man :smiley: its not like you can’t use convoke they just removed 1 spell so you can’t randomly one shot someone

So… you rerolled a FoTM and got nerfed? Today is a good day, and justice has been served! :+1:


Deserved , stop crying.

You can get from 1-50 in 2 days of casually playing and just doing dungeons. Anyone who’s buying a boost currently is wasting their money.

It does state though that boosts used cannot be refunded

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I read that it’s not a nerf for pvp since since full moon damage is shared so you have bigger chance to get juicy single target star surges. Not sure if that’s true at all though.

Convoke will still be broken because it will just cast more starsurges now that full moon is out of its rotation…

Never level a class or character based on FOTM…

Class balance change all the time.