Don't buy 0-50 boost service

Seriously this is hilarious and makes up for all the frustration I’ve had to deal with when facing these stupidly OP balance druids.
You got what you deserved, OP. Maybe next you go chasing that broken FOTM class you’ll remember that they ALWAYS end up getting nerfed sooner or later.
But thanks for making my day, bro !

No, some people are actually calling this nerf a buff because you’ll be getting more starsurges off which is arguably better.

so let me get this straight. You don’t want people buying a boost, because they nerfed convoke in pvp?

sounds like a you problem.

So basically you’re crying in forum, cuz your boosted class is no longer fotm?

yeah thats what happens when you throw real life money at the game to play the flavor of the month wich was very likely to be nerfed.

Thats your own dumb mistake really. how about don’t buy boosts in general?

:joy: :ok_hand:

I love it when Blizz pulls the rug out under these FOTM boosters.

This is why you don’t play Flavor of the Month characters, kids. They always get hit with the nerf bat and then you need to compensate for the lack of overpoweredness with actual skill, resulting in a huge drop off of “good” players who can’t handle being nerfed.

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and if druids are any good, they would have switched to Kyrian for PvP ages ago :smiley:


Had someone roll retri after seeing the damage I was doing on my retri in m+ back in BFA. He never could reach that damage. First he’s all like “Retris can’t do that much damage”, then he gets outdpsed by me in a run and then he wants to roll a retri. Then he can’t do decent damage on it.

Before 60 you can switch between covenants as often as you want without any repercussions…

A nerf to convoke was 100% going to happen.
I also have an IQ above 10 so I know online MMO-RPG’s get patches and changes.

You were not mislead, you’re just awful at spending your money.

Brain Dead OP that thinks a FOTM class will never get nerfed and then is mad on blizz because they won’t refund his boost afterwards.

Actual pathetic of the biggests ever…

They are super good and absolutely fun to play! And that has nothing to do with Night Fae!

o, wait…

Brain Dead Prot Noob barely scratching 1.1k even before the big nerfs coming to Pala :smiley: Good luck on your way back to 500 rating :smiley:

To be completely honest, it really does feel nice telling someone the truth to their face :smiley:

true it doesnt :smiley:

So you’re saying dont buy a boost because you boosted a character which is nowbeing nerfed…but you can still play it.

Boosting doesn’t guarantee anything about a classes’ power, only that they get levelled up and have some starting gear. If power had to do with it why aren’t frost mage boosts free for example?

TBH i think you’re brave OP, you’ve pretty much admitted you spent money just to capitalise on a FOTM char with an incredibly cheeseworthy ability. That takes some guts to admit. This said, anyone could have seen convoke would get nerfed. It is simply not justifiable to have an ability that can kill you within 1-2 secs when the one using it can do so from stealth.

“Just kick it” - tell that to the people who had time to see the druid pop out of stealth and then before they know it they’re eating pavement. Doubly so for the ones who faced a prot/balance comp which slows down the whole interrupt process by a second or two.

if convoke required the full 4 secs to kill someone, you wouldn’t see people complaining. Fact is the “it’s a 4 sec channel you can kick LOL” crowd need to understand there is literal footage of convoke downing players in as little as one second. Nobody is moaning that a 4 sec ability is hard to kick, they’re moaning that sometimes you don’t get the chance to because this one ability press can toast you within a second if you’re unlucky.

“Get better luck and kick next time” is not a satisfactory piece of advice of how to counter boomkins. People would cry havoc if they added such lethal RNG onto other classes like for frost mage say “Your frostbolts have a very small chance to deal ten times normal damage” or something.

They should simply change it so convoke “winds up” ie it will not cast any of the more “lethal” spells until after 2 sec or something, and then after that their cast time is upped, so you get the same amount of starsurges per cast average, but they come towards the end rather than the start.

This would make it a guaranteed kill if you get the channel off (reward your play) as opposed to the current situation which is very much “sometimes this spell will kill the target nearly instantly, sometimes it won’t. It can be kicked however! You should kick it!” which means that attempts to counter it sometimes can be fruitless unless you run immunity (making the kick pointless) because you can be on your way to kicking the boomkin and it kills you before you get the kick off.

Convoke is 10x more OP than anything you listed, deletes you in 0.5 seconds

I for one don’t give a flying F, once a druid always a druid. NF will still be my fav covenant for this class.

… you just can’t get lucky on an instantcast Full Moon anymore. It’s not the end of the world.