Dont buy cataclysm for ragnaros mount

mount is shrinking your character like gnome size, blizcon mount had the same problem too dont waste your money.
example here on tauren


All I can say is… LOL

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check this one too lmao not just these mounts btw this same problem exist on %99 of pterodactyl mounts, this first came in warlords of drenor with Dread Raven mount if you guys remember its the flying raven lord and it spread to many more mounts since then. they all just look so ugly and if you guys noticed nobody using these mounts in game cus it just looks funny.

Think most people that buy don’t buy to use.

Looks like it needs to be about about 3 times larger. :rofl:

Mount would probably have been a bit to big though TBH.

omg what is that.

refund should be possible.

Is anyone buying a whole expansion just to get a mount?

awwwwwwwwwwwww look at the baby cow!!!

“Be good and I’ll buy you a mount after I clean your ears”


wait, so people who play classic need to buy a new expac now? XD

nah, people who buy this are whales who pay 80 for cosmetic. Oh and the pakage also includes 1 month gametime and a character boost


This is extremely funny we need more items like this


10 char

Id never waste money on one of these types of mounts.
The most annoying one for me are the clefthoof mounts. They shrink your character and yet you will look proportionate on a kodo…
a clefthoof is just a fluffy kodo!!

except that is not the cata mount but the blizzcon 2023 online mount.

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I like that part of it.
I usually don’t use the ‘tall’ mounts because they are too big.

You dont buy the expansion, the expansion is free with sub. Anyone who buys the bundle would be buying it specifically for the mounts/cosmetics, or for the level boost in case of the epic pack.


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You say that like it’s a bad thing.

I appreciate this post. I was going to buy just for the mount but no way now. Maybe when it goes on sale. And if it gets fixed.

The mount is not broke he linked the wrong one.

Oh is it the blizzcon air elemental that is broke?

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