Don't buy the next RMT - CLASSICC

Strong words coming from a Legion account.


I kinda gave up on this thread at this line


bump more please

if u did some better research you’d find out this account was actually made with a invitation from watching the movie in 2016

I’m not going to buy it, just like I didn’t buy the last one.
It won’t matter though. Enough people will buy it and harassing people doesn’t solve anything.
I’ve just made my peace with the fact that Blizzard are a bunch of filthy prostitutes and they will sell whatever they can get away with.
I’m going to enjoy it while it lasts and hopefully it will take them some time to completely ruin their legacy.

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Except a sub.

Ofc you have another account.

Authentic experience was never an option, they changed to much before release.

It’s no different than paying for a sport or a streamingservice. I dont mind paying for my hobby.

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Good. Maybe then some vocal players will realize that not everyone did, in fact, sign up to play a 2007 game, but a re-release of 2007 game.

Seems kind of egotistical to ask for changes in a game where fans have been asking for that release for years.

I don’t think so. Not everyone who plays TBC is part of #nochanges movement. People ask for what they themselves want to see.

you go girllll!

yes ppl will buy it anyway. I would like to have wow token in game. usefull

I think so. Actively trying to change something that thousands of people have advocated for, for years because you have different expectations seems extremely egotistical. There are plenty of other games that you could be playing that suit you more, but you have decided that the rerelease of something that is so popular because of the way it is needs changes.

Nah man, not convinced.

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Oh, and people demanding others to not ask for changes because they themselves don’t want them is not egoistic, right? I vote for things I like/want. Everybody else is free to do as they pelase, I don’t hold it against them, but I don’t fall or care for moral highground of what “majority” wants being sacred and untouchable.

It’s still supposed to be the 2007 game.

It was released in 2021, it is now a 2021 game. When it was made doesn’t matter at this point.

Yeah and people don’t mind buying tokens and in game items for their hobby.

I mind them doing it though. You saying that you’re big enough to just ignore it all because you’re super casual is actually at its core a selfish sentiment. Who cares if you can ignore it all? It wasn’t TBC was it…i dont remember these mounts and whatever else is coming next.

Whilst I don’t intend on MTXing your opinion on anyone means absolutely nothing to that person or anyone else because quite frankly you are a nobody.

I wouldn’t expect my opinion of you to have any ounce of effect on you so why would you think your opinion would on others?

Unless someone is breaking the rules or abusing a bug/exploit you have absolutely zero right to call anyone else and/or try to take some sort of morale highground.

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I have it to the point where this was not part of the original game and it’s a lazy man’s way out with the excuse of “I have no time”. Then why play and MMO in the first place? Why want to go through an MMO that has a significant part of it in levelling and skip it?
Anyway to your point.
These people have an impact on the game. They Q in BG’s without knowing how to play let alone have any gear. They expect to get stuff for free and on and on.
Today I did a ramp run on my alt. One of the players was communal and did absolutely NOTHING.
Also mounts are rewards at this stage of WoW that you get from reputation or very rare boss drops. Buying one with real money is just cheap. It was not part of the game and people that want to play this game should NOT want things like this. Retail has this garbage so they can go there.
So yes I will call it out.

Gold gives an edge in the game, but when it comes to mounts, pets and bling i just cant seem to care much. I’d rather they werent added, but they are just an eyesore.

I really dont like the idea of tokens in TBC, but im not to fond of the bots either. It’s a choice between plague or cholera. I’d rather we had none of it, but the bots are not going anywhere, and the tokens might solve some of that problem. I wont buy any, but i am sure a lot of others will. I would tell people to not buy gold from the botty goldsellers, but i would never tell them what to buy from Blizzard.

The boosts are a whole different story. They really shouldnt have added that, it’s undermining the game. But i’m not going to spend my time running around spitting or being rude to players in communal gear, like i see a lot of people encourage to. That’s just toxic.

So … Like i started out saying: im just gonna keep playing like i allways have, pay my sub and also continue not to buy anything.