Don't buy the next RMT - CLASSICC

Okey guys…

We all know whats coming in the next month or 2, to CLASSIC WoW

MORE RMT… Another mount, A WoW-Classic Token to get your gold because you’re too
pre-occupied with your IRL-job/family; its so easy to buy your undeserved advantage over nothing in this RPG-game
Just don’t, just don’t buy it. You want WoW classic… right??
You want an authentic WoW Classic experience? that includes;; no RMT

We are better of with Private Server than we are with Blizzard servers promoting “Original Classic WoW-expansion” experience.

Chance my mind.


Authentic experience is long gone, 2 years ago with classic and metas, mafias, world buffs and speed runs.
No mount can ruin the game like part of playerbase can.


If it comes I’ll buy one, maybe more, sorry.


I’d rather pay a sub than play on a pserver. I’m just going to continue to play like i allways have. While also continue to not buy anything.


meta, maffia, world buffs and speed runs; theyre inevitable from a playerbase…

To give them the oppertunity to get ahead in a game through RMT is the real shiz

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im waiting from wow token to continue playing.

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I will buy whatever I want and people like you have no right to tell me not to do it.


So the people who bought the deluxe edition ruins my experience how exactly?

I really don’t see how a mount that is obsolete once you get your epic flying ( unless you’re in Azeroth ) impact my game time.

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Okey guy

  1. I do not know its comming, thanks for notice
  2. RMT are there right now, people buy gold from sellers
  3. Yes I am very busy, thanks, hows your family ? :slight_smile:
  4. Thanks, I ll proudly fly my undeserved 280 f-mount
  5. Yes, private servers were better
  6. Not gonna change your mind, you are lost :slight_smile: Why ?
    Because this is not Burning crusade :stuck_out_tongue:
    This is Cashgrab crusade :slight_smile:

My advice : Play your own game. You have too much undeserved stress over nothing in this RPG-game.

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Which were the sole reasons how Classic changed.
Your hated RMT did not.

oblivious cu*ks. Only your wallet speaks. No constructive critizism is valued when you keep buying their vanity items. Thats why you never see a proper response to any threat from community managers; there is no reason for them to improve the game (experience) unless it’s with “quality of life” items.
You’re left in the dust, untill they come up with an idea “solving” it through money transactions.
That’s why they take away the fun, and enforce the idea of exploit early, exploit often.
It’s just to get you at that stage to pull out your wallet.
That’s next-gen low

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Sounds like some drug addict when confronted with the truth.
“Stop buying that crack, it’s not good for you and your environment”


My wallet is busy buying RL stuff, not artificial stuff in a game.

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If anything is going to make me quit it’s this BULL. Selling mounts and so on. This is part of the trash that destroyed retail and turned it into a glorified mobile game.


What a sheit comparison.

You signed up to play a game from 2007 like the rest of us. The things you are buying where not in that game and we don’t want them. If you can’t gather 100g to buy a mount that’s a you problem. And you can flush your money down the toilet for all I care but that won’t stop me and many other people from thinking less of you and laughing at you.

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There are enough weaklings to buy these fancy and undeserved things. Sad but thats the reality - the good guys are the minority now, wannabe speedrun meta kids majority… :man_facepalming:

It’s TRH all over again. At least I know who is an easy target in battlegrounds.

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But mamma sad NO! Dont be a nasty boi and calm down!

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Fear is the path to the dark side … fear leads to anger … anger leads to hate… hate leads to suffering.

I bet most of you didnt even play original TBC, or even Vanilla.