While you are changing [Big Love Rocket] icon be sure to change the [Love Rocket] icon as well cause it’s unacceptable!
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Should change the name, under their current standards because it does reference male parts.
They also might have to change Worgen because of the backwards spelling, combined with the fact they used to drop snapvine watermelon and melon juice you know what Blizzard was doing.
I never noticed that!!! May as well ‘resize and redress’ Jaina, Sylvanas, Tyrande and Valeera while theyre at it…
Didn’t they already do that with Jaina?
yeah i think they did - my old memory aint as good these days…
If you mean in hearthstone, then yes, actually twice.
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personally, im amazingly offended by males allowed to go around without a shirt on.
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Also aren’t swords and weapons in general just phallic symbols…
Better change those.
Thursday, September 16. 2021:
Official WoW forum day for complaints about less boobs ingame and resentment towards sexualised char appearance. Got it…
You need a better hill to die on, your starting to come off as unhinged.
That’s a few topics now I’ve opened and you’ve appeared out of nowhere, going on about patriarchies and evil males lol.
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Perhaps they should reconsider the word ‘tooltip’ as it could be misconstrued as a term for the end of a male part…
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#metoo, Karen Agrias?
I personally don’t see any problems with such a long, huge candy-colored mount that spews pink clouds as it moves up and down, left and right. 
Very few have the mount anyway. It’s an, I don’t know, 0.03% chance drop? Scarce like Valentine’s Day Love is in the Air celebrations.
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This whole crusade has got to be one of the most surreal things I’ve seen in a long time.
From blacklisted to blocklisted as well, who’s mind even goes there
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Just people looking for the tiniest excuse to be 'offended ’ although I do get the idea behind removing/renaming some things
Yeah I mean some things are bad but we’re gonna miss more than 1 raid tier if they make it a priority to replace every phallic looking shape
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Well, my dear Dunkiee, my thoughts are that they were concerned it looked more like an item from an Ann Summers catalogue than a jet propelled rocket.
Just my opinion though
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