Don't know how to get a mount

Kind of new to the game
Done the new tutorial with an orc, got wolf mount
Decided to create a worgen, and play original tutorial
I’ve finished it, teleported to stormwind
Stable master says that I’m not famous enough to get a mount, I got apprentice riding


Is it because the system says you already have a mount? Look at your mount journal and see if it’s there already.

Once you’re in Stormwind/Orgrimmar, there’s another short series of quests to complete that will acquaint you with other important features – riding (and you’ll get a free mount if you don’t already have one)


Oooh; where did they move the Worgen Horse sellers to after… the incident I won’t mention as it’ll spoil the later game for OP…?


Thanks for the help, it was in collection tab
It’s just worgen original quest line doesn’t tell you mechanics
Exile’s reach introduces and uses all the mechanics to new players


If a free Mount isn’t in your bags, it’ll always be in your Collections Tab.


I’m so pleased !!

There will be much that is confusing and hopefully you will find helpful players in game or the newcomer channel or the even forums.

Welcome to WoW, I hope you enjoy your time :slight_smile:


This is the faction mount vendor for Worgen:

She only sells 2 variants of mountain horse (basically a horse with no saddle)

As far as faction mounts go you can originally only buy mounts from the one selling them to your racial faction. Other basic mount vendors require an exalted reputation to buy their mounts (mainly has to do with mounts originally not being account wide but an item in your bags, mount collection tab didn’t exist back then).


As a worgen you don’t need a mount. You can use Running Wild ability. It puts you down on four legs and you can run as fast as a mount.


It’s been sometime since i played Alliance but doesn’t Worgen have a “travel form” which negates ground mounts?

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