Don't merge realms of different languages!

I am very disappointed with the xenophobia displayed by some posters towards people who may not speak in other languages that aren’t English and the general consensus from those people that those realms should be left to die because in their opinion they should not be merged with other English realms, even though there is no alternative.

No one ever said that , also for your own information because you seem to have missed that , players on Burning Legion NEVER , say it with me , NEVER , asked for a merge , they are fully healthy server with good mythic progression , they dont NEED english players.

Blizzard is merging realms in response to numerous requests over the last couple of years for more connections to be made.

Indeed they do , with servers that speak the same language , if from one day to another Draenor (Server which I am on as well) was merged with the highest populated german servers , I would go insane , that’s not why I choose an english server in the 1st place.

Aggra has previously already been merged with another English realm.

They basically got merged a server that already was Portuguese , no harm done.

Re-rolling is of course a completely free alternative to paying as is using any left over boosts people may have.

Not a solution , people have been on their servers for years , they should not have to leave because Blizzard thought it was a good idea to merge servers that speak a completely different language.

Blizzard have all the data to hand to see what populations are on realms, their activity, the Horde/Alliance split etc etc

Once again they do indeed , but before they merge the servers , they’re supposed to actually log onto them and see what is going on , which obviously they didnt.


I’m not entering into this multiquote breakdown mania. Everything I have said already answers you. Which is why I’m not going to enter this loop of eternally saying the same thing. It just irritates people.

Once again you refuse to respond when you are given the chance of a proper discussion , 30+ people liked my post and actually took the time to read it , yet you refuse to respond because it doesnt fit your way of thinking , disappointing.


I actually gave very good points too and she refused to respond because it doesnt fit her narrative , I guess that’s where the discussion ends


These people aren’t worth your time Thimli, there’s no point in engaging someone that needs to resort to buzzwords to deny reality. We both know the minority of english speakers on BL will get bullied by the poles but apparently that makes you an xenophobe because you don’t want spend years learning a language to interact with a pre-establied community that will otherwise be hostile to you.

Edited: Add the word pre-established because it’s well known that even tickets for BL are often responded too in polish.


They should just enforce English on English realms tbh.

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They definitely should but it has been that way for years so I cant see them being able to enforce it , they would have to act severely for it to work and yeah they’re not really known for that


I don’t think this is helpful. It is not a discussion, it’s the same rhetoric going back and forth with everything being ignored. It will be a lot of repeating because most of what you said was already answered.

Connections were asked for by the players base. We finally got the response last Blizzcon from Ion that he would ask the server team to look into it. Blizzard assessed the realms and planned the merges based on the data. Now you and some other players want to deem some realms unworthy of connection. Despite the fact that Blizz can see the actual numbers. I can’t condone the behaviour of some that want to deem some realms not worthy because they don’t speak the language that they approve of.

Unless you are a German, French, Spanish, Russian or Italian, your home is most likely on an English realm. There is no obligation for those speakers to be on their own language realms either. Some actually prefer the International diversity found on English realms. The only realm on the English realms that has it’s own language tag and supporting forums under the English forums is Portuguese.

Firstly Draenor is an English realm. Secondly it’s one of the largest realms that has enough of it’s own problems associated with being this big. The point of connections is to give more realms healthy populations. Not break large populations further and throw some poor connected realm into the turmoil of queuing to log in during new expansions, facing realm crash on launch of new expansion, and all the other lovely issues we get on Draenor.

They are not merging cross language realms as far as I am aware with the exception of Aggra but that is technically a Portuguese realm on an English realm system. Every realm merge is of the same type, English. As I previously stated I have been on a realm that became an unofficial destination for a particular language, it can be a pain to start with but if you go on there now you wouldn’t know it has ever had any of those issues. My Classic realm is also an unofficial Spanish realm, they did later introduce some Spanish realms but not everyone wanted to move.

I know you want to make this personal and it’s unfortunate for you that I moved all my characters to the two busiest realms Draenor and Silvermoon because I have endured dying and dead realms for years and it’s no fun. You want a realm with a thriving economy and lots of players to recruit from and guilds to choose from.

The longer no connections happened the more and more people started moving or rerolling to busy realms because it’s what people want. To play with lots of others, despite sharding and WM on/off and CRZ.

For the record, no I would not care if I was on a dead realm and it was merged with with any other English realm. As I pointed out in the other thread I doubt I would notice anyone speaking in trade as it’s not even a visible tab for me. Busy realms are full of boost spam. As long as I can pug content I need and carry on raiding with my guild and my m plus team then I’m good.

That’s not how the existing population saw it at the time. There were several threads much like there are now. Blizzard can never win with merges. There are always people who are unhappy but low population realms can’t be ignored and I actually hope they are doing more this time to make them bigger, the effect of most connections last time was very short lived IMO.

Blizzard are merging English realms. According to Trelw these are not likely to be the final form either and more will be added into the mix.

I never offered it as a solution, I said if people feel that strongly that they want to move they can do it for free as well. I also forgot to mention you can grind gold, convert to balance and pay that way for services etc. I have a friend who does that for everything in game. Not my idea of a fun way to spend your time though.

FCM has only ever been offered by Blizzard for players to move off over populated realms. As this exercise is to connect more realms to boost populations it would be counter productive to then offer any kind of transfer or to try and generate people moving. This is not a marketing ploy as some have insinuated.

It is still an English realm.

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It’s an interesting idea. But they can’t even stop boosters from appearing in the group finder atm and I report those daily. So even if they change the rules to enforce the realm language I currently don’t have a lot of faith in it being enforced.

Burning Legion did NOT ask for a server merge , they know they are polish.

Should be the same for Burning Legion , would be no harm done , it’s literally a polish realm.

Tell me again how the people on Al’Akir etc have a feel of a bigger population when the people they are merged with dont even speak their language ?

The merges Blizzard have done

in the past were a complete success.

The support is in english , not the realm itself.

Also you completely missed my point about Draenor so I’ll take a different server , let’s take Burning Blade (if thats the name , its a very small English server) and merge that server with a german or french realm , boom , invasion of people speaking german/french , would you actually praise Blizzard for doing that merge ? What do you gain from it ?


I’m sure they nominated you as their speaker. It’s bizarre to think that Blizzard would approach connections from a point of view of only those that posted on the forum or some other means would be included in their connection plans.

They will have assessed and identified all realms that are not big enough and how to connect them within their language groups.

Except it’s still an English realm.

It is an English realm and as such will not be left out of any connections. Blizz don’t have such biases.

Support is in the language you choose in your settings. There are far more languages available than there are official realm language brackets.

You can find instructions on how to change this here:-

World of Warcraft

  1. Log in to the Blizzard desktop app.
  2. Click the World of Warcraft game icon and select .
  3. Select Game Settings .
  4. Under Text Language and Spoken Language , select your language of choice.
  5. Click Done .,select%20your%20language%20of%20choice.

And you missed my point that the merges are with other English realms, they are not cross merging realm languages. That kind of thing may happen many many years from now when there are too few players. It is perfectly possible for my English realm to be merged with an unofficial Swedish, Turkish, Dutch, Belgian, Serbian, Greek etc etc realm which is also English. As I clearly stated last time, no I do not have a problem with this scenario. There will be teething problems, there always are but English realms are generally the catch all for all non language specific.

I gain a bigger player base, a better thriving AH and more guilds to choose from.

False when they dont speak your language , check the guild finder on BL.

You can keep twisting this in all the ways you want , you have no real argument in favor of this merge , none.


Saying it like that does sound a bit xenophobe, because that sentence includes assumption about polish players. Don’t get me wrong here, i do understand the frustration and the situation right now on those connected realms. I do think, however, that most of it is caused by very small group of not so nice people and rest of the realm folks are nice and pleasant players who will speak english too, if treated with respect. Having huge fights about the issue on forums is just gasoline to the flames and causing more and more people to turn against eachothers. It is important that you make your voice heard so if and when more connections are done, that connection perhaps gets boosted with more english speakers to get some balance. In meanwhile i would recommend to find nice people from that realm and get to know eachothers. I am 100% sure there is lot of them there, some were writing on that deleted thread too. I have honor to know some polish people irl and they are all the most kind, respecfull and pleasant people.

For last, i do hope this gets solved in the way that everyone gets happy.

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I do believe you 100% this has been and is the case (and that is it not fun), i was merely pointing that these loudmouths do not represent all the polish players on that server. This kind of behaviour is not ok no matter what language is used and should be reported so these folks get well deserved holiday from game.

I do not know what “virtue signalling” means so i really don’t know what ever you know and assume me to know. All i wanted to say, that if some polish players cause troubles in there (and apparently they do), then talk about SOME polish players. If you just talk about polish, it does sound xenophobic. I don’t think you ment to sound like one but i wanted to clear it out, since you were bringing it up many times and sounded upset about it. This is probably also what greens were pointing to.

/10char post

To me it seems like the decission to connect BL was made by people who has no idea whats going to on EU servers.
BL for many years was known as “polish” server and so connecting it with other realms was really a bad move. When you have a high pop server where 95% people speaks polish and you connect couple of low pop server to it, it might become horrible experience for the people that came there.

You can’t really “force” english language because they are not UK server, the “english” tab is more like a reference towards language that is being used there.

Many of the people on BL does not know english and this is also one of the reasons this server has became so popular for poles.

Personally i’d hate to be put in a group of servers where suddenly different language than english dominate.
But as it was said before it’s not like BL asked to be connected.

Im polish but i’d prefer stay away from BL. :stuck_out_tongue:


Exactly this. Thank you.


There are recruitment ads in English on those realms, a loud minority protesting in chat does not mean the whole server is like that.

Guilds will treat people based on their ability and not care if they are Polish or English or Dutch, or Swedish, as long as they can do the task. Equally any guilds advertising and playing in English will have more players to choose from.

Those that want to be a specific language guild will obviously not take on non speakers. Those exist on all realms.

why are you defending this so hard when youre on draenor? you dont have this issue at all. most of the guilds are polish, the ones that arent are mostly social guilds, what if i want to raid in sl?


cant judge the horde side but there have been 0 new recruits in my guild since trying after the merge. and trying to in english has no point, since you get called all kind of things by 50 polish guys in polish, (yes i translated lines) and get told to migrate of “their” server,

Alakir/Xavius/Skullcrusher had alot of ppl migrate off the server wanted to raid etc and with this merge on what the rest had their hopes for, their is 0 new blood coming to the English speaking guild either (as said i can only judge alliance side)