Realm connections is hardly something that needs defending. However I’m not going to agree that leaving certain realms out of connections is an acceptable measure because some players deem them unworthy of inclusion.
We had a completely different view of the Alliance from another poster, but I think that was on the deleted thread.
The connection has only just happened, it will take time for people to settle in, bad behaviour will need to be reported. My understanding is it’s a small number of players who are being hostile.
I must have missed when you were elected speaker for an entire realm. Realm connections are done by Blizzard based on populations. They are not going to leave a realm out that you dislike. They are going to include them all that need boosting up in numbers.
no offense punyelf but there are few people who actually like server connections because it just ends up with the servers still mostly avoiding working with the other conected realms in case the realms eventually get disconnected and thus destroying mixed guilds.
In the particular instance of this thread, servers of 2 different languages should never be merged under any circumstances, they should not even be to CRZ with one another.
This ensures that there is a correct baseline with which an individual player can work with and should 70% of a server turn out to actively refuse to speak the language that your server was advertised as, then there is a problem, a big problem… because that will inevitably lead to even more players simply quitting.
It is blizzards sheer disrespect for the players on this and various other things that is contributing in no small part to the decline of their game.
Unfortunately it is because of people like that that the game is in such a state , they will give excuses as to whatever Blizzard does. So far my main post in this thread gathered more than 40 likes , while hers gathered a whooping 0 , yet you see her still try to convince herself that Burning Legion asked for a server merge even tho they obviously know they are polish. It’s unbelievable and at some point borderline trolling
Yep. Now look at the likes on her posts , she is basically being proven wrong by everyone in this thread (and the old one that got removed) and yet still continues her crusade that everyone else is wrong and Blizzard did the right thing
I know people keep going on about the language, they are all EN being merged. Unofficial realms also shift all the time. And like I keep saying they can’t ignore a realm here and there because it has an unofficial language leaning. All realms have to be treated equally all realms need connections too boost them to healthy populations.
They can’t just say oh your realm is going to have no connection it’s just going to be left until it dies. That would make no sense what so ever. They are doing connections.
I disagree that connections do nothing, I was on a connected realm. By the end of the year half our raid team was from one realm and half from the other. Now no one pays any attention to what realm people started on.
I was also on an unofficial Turkish realm and you can no longer tell it ever had any unpleasant arguments about what language should be used in trade or general. No one is saying there wont be some problems initially but that in time these things will improve.
What I find disrespectful is the way some want to make some realms not worthy of connecting and generally the language used about some nationalities has been pretty disgusting.
The thing is, I don’t consider any of this important in any way at all.
If my language wins, they suffer. If their language wins, I suffer.
You should not merge realms of different official languages because it causes a failure of expectation for one or both parties. I don’t think saying “Oh it’s gonna be OK for you because you’ll be dominant down the line” is meaningful.
I’m not making any assumptions about them other than the fact that I expect them to prefer to speak the language their server was created as a home for.
So if they have to speak English out of kindness, which I’m sure some of them will, then they didn’t get what they asked for. The realm has failed its purpose.
What this situation means is that in order for them to win, we have to lose, and of course vice versa, and that’s ridiculous and unnecessary.
You say you played on the server and say it’s not full entirely of Portuguese guilds, but have you actually looked at the wowprogress page? There pretty much isn’t anything but Portuguese guilds. And that’s fine, that’s what the server is for.
This whole argument rests upon the idea that Aggra is dying.
So you’re admitting to saying Blizzard is lying with the server population and that the server is dying according to you and needs to be merged , thank you
Feel free to log into the realm , every place is booming , and you dont have to count CRZ , check the people that are actually on the realm , the server is really alive
Look, the in-game tool says the realm isn’t dying, WoWProgress says the realm isn’t dying, various other statistical sites say the realm isn’t dying, logging into the realm shows it isn’t dying, and the 50 horde players on Frostmane Horde aren’t making a difference either way, people on the realm say the realm isn’t dying dying.
It’s not dying.
Frostmane was dying. But Frostmane is an English realm and there are loads of them around. So why pick a Portuguese realm that isn’t dying? The Portuguese realm didn’t need a merge.
This will only serve as a rough guideline and is not factual or accurate compared ot what Blizz can see but that high population is not high.
I can log on any realm and CRZ makes it busy and sometimes sharding makes it empty. Even on Draenor. That is no way to tell if a realm is populated. We are so divided in the open world and mixed with people from all over.