Don't merge realms of different languages!

But yet on the ingame realm selection where new players will choose their realm, it says Aggra (Português)

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That doesnt make it ok to connect servers that literally speak a different language.


It may be listed under English realms but it’s also specifically labelled.


The server is already been connected to Grim Batol though, and run a command to scan the GUID of any toon from that server, you get the realm ID 1303, which is that of Grim Batol, an English server in every way imaginable. while it may have been designated as such initially it is classified by the game as an English server since ever the first round of mergers happened.

Kinda like Los Errentes and Shen’dralar lost their RP tags after they got connected to Non-RP servers.

Yes they previously connected the Portuguese realm to an English realm and this will repeat that process.

They can’t ignore one realm because it’s in another language. They have to connect it to others and as it was connect to another English realms before that seems the most logical step to do again. The alternative would be leaving it to die :frowning:

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Out of curiosity, was this realm listed anywhere else before?
I mean before Blizzard merged English and Portugues LFG/LFR - there was a Blizzard post about it somewhere around Legion.

That being said it’s really bad to merge english speaking realm with one that uses different language. Is this some kind of overlook? because EU realm connections start to look really silly.

If my realm (which is nearly dead) was connected to realm where people speak different language than english i’d transfer off that realm in a heartbeat and im not native english speaker.

English is the catch all for every other non specific language in Europe, so really we are used to having people from many different nationalities.

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I guess they could offer free transfers to players from that realms instead, but most probably it’ll have the same effect - players will choose an unofficial Portuguese realm and mass transfer there.

True however nationality is not a problem here. Constantly using language you can’t udnerstand in General, Trade, Party, Raids and even some guilds might discourage poeple. :slight_smile:

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I’m just saying the server has been listed with a locale as “English” on the official realm list, or rather it was labeled as “United Kingdom” for the longest time back but its been like that since ever it merged with Grim Batol. There is no such thing as a Portuguese label anymore…

The actual Aggra server doesn’t even exist because the server got copied to grim batol, therefore every character created there now has a GUID that traces back to Grim Batol and not Aggra, and the server would run on Grim Batol realm rules as a result too (English locale)…

Same thing with Shen’dralar which now runs off Zul’jin Realm rules and Los Errentes which has been copied over to Tyrande. Any labels these realms had before they were merged are irrelevant these days, the server takes the rules of the host server of the connected group.

@All: I think what I mentioned in post 3 is the simplest solution. After the hopefully successful connections tomorrow, the 3-way should be expanded with additional connection(s), which can increase the English speaking population. Properly executed it is a win for all sides.

I used to be on Dunemaul years ago and it was nicknamed Turkmaul at one point. There was no merging but we just seem to become an unofficial Turkish server. I have no idea if it actually was but there was a big influx.

Initially there was a lot of disruption and some rude behaviour (from both sides) but these days Turkish players are well integrated on a variety of English realms.


That still doesnt excuse the fact a portuguese realm will be in the mix , and shouldnt be , you DONT mix other languages with each other.

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@Thimli: Then you wish for Blizzard to cancel the connection program altogether?

That’s not what I said ? But they should be of the same language.


@Thimli: Would you then be happier, if Frostmane was connected to… say… Burning Legion with Polish players instead since it is English support realm?

I think you got this bit a backwards. The other language realms are there for people whom are not comfortable with speaking English or too stubborn (maybe some being too nationalistic even) .

I speak Dutch (Belgian) French, German, English (Because those 4 were taught in school) and Swedish (I moved there, wife is Swedish). + A handful others I can understand somewhat/decode because of the languages I do know. I chose an English realm because I expect most of the communicating to be done in English.

Even if there was an option for any of the languages I speak I still wouldn’t want to join those servers or have them connected with my English realm. If they did connect my realm with a different language server there would be two outcomes: me quitting (and that is not a hollow threat) or Blizz providing free transfers for me if they want to keep me as a customer.

I still have two characters on Frostmane. In a way, even though I don’t care THAT much about my old home… I still think they either should cancel this connection or provide free transfers for anyone on Frostmane. I don’t see how they can force their customers like this without providing an alternative.

And mind you this is not about what language the big chunk of people on those servers speak (Frostmane has a bunch of Swedes), it is what language people chose when they started out. You can’t just go ahead and void that choice without an option that is not shelling out for over-priced server transfers per character.


I already said it’s about the official status of the realm that has then led to such an overwhelming majority that changing it now is too late. Are you not listening or are you impervious to discussion?

I don’t think anyone gives a flying **** about the realm’s GUID. It’s all about how it’s marketed.

It’s not a solution at all, and if the goal is to merge us first and then keep merging English servers until it’s fixed, then all that’s going to achieve is create a massive graveyard.

Since the release of this tier 2 Mythic raiding guilds have already left. With this announcement another one is leaving, and we’re going to talk about leaving tomorrow evening (due to that being our raid time anyway and also it’s during maintenance, at which point we’ll know for sure that it’s actually happening).

It’s currently looking very likely that we will indeed leave. There’s already 30 people voting for it. There are only 2 people on the raid team itself that’s voting against, and in both cases it’s a money issue which we can probably solve together.

With 4 out of 5 AotC raiding guilds leaving, I can’t imagine the 5th one will stick around, meaning the raiding scene on Frostmane will be completely gone.

So yeah, if the goal was to merge the Alliance side into a state with more Mythic raiding guilds to get that community going, **** no. Didn’t work, too bad, bye-bye.

Honestly? Yes. It wouldn’t be ideal, but it would be better.

It is quite the crappy/greedy thing that people have to pay Blizzard premium prices for a problem they created in the first place.

But if you guys are determined and Blizzard too stubborn to do anything… you might as well go ahead and band together to help out the few where the finances are the problem.

I don’t raid or do mythic so for me it is easy to just quit the game, but if I was in your guild’s situation I’d help out the others as well.

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@Ishayoe: Neither of the above. I am trying to say that there is far larger number of “English” realms that actually do not have English as their primary language. Effectively, the ONLY difference to numerous other realms is that Aggra has customer support in Portuguese. Also, if people make Frostmane “collapse” it just increases the pressure to add even more realms to the total connection.

Interesting, because I fail to see how unless you have some personal insight into Polish players using far more English than the Portuguese?

@All: What I am trying to say here is that there are MANY realms, where English is NOT the most common language despite the support being available in English. If people do not wish to get connected with language X, we will rapidly reach a point where nothing can be connected to anything and only Silvermoon and Draenor remain of the normal realms, because everyone either transfers to those or quits the game. :frowning:

EDIT: Added a missing word.