Don't merge realms of different languages!

I’m making popcorn and waiting when race war will start. In next months people on Burning Legion will start build death camps for players with other nationality because most of them hate even themself.

This is gonna be a s-show


I love the madness of machine translation.

Get rid of the portuguese tag from Aggra, if it doesn’t warrant its own tab in the server list, then it needs to be removed.

It’s a relic from a time when the game actually had decent subscriber numbers and Blizz thought the portuguese community could sustain a server alone. Most of the portuguese people there came from english servers and are able to communicate in english.


This is not only referred to you, also to the OP and more people:

IF we assume grim batol was a normal server (it has no portuguese tag and I know a youtuber who was playing on grim batol since before the connection and certainly videos were in english) and aggra obviously portuguese, the population is already close to 50-50 english-portuguese.

If we add frostmane to that it’s already english dominant, sure, you will notice portuguese people speaking, but it’s not like they will force you out of your server, you will still be in majority.

At least for alliance, mind you, for horde there’s like no one from frostmane and more hordes from aggra than grim batol, so in that case might be portuguese dominated.

@Lichblade: that also makes sense, if there were a big enough amount of portuguese, why didn’t aggra become draenor-size? Evidently there’s not that many to warrant even just a big server.

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I just want to wish good luck everyone joining our wonderfull polish realm named burning legion. xD

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Is it time for popcorn?

Ahah, burning legion is pretty big, it has 140 guilds on wow progress with at least minimal progress, do you know if every player speaks polish or like 80% or something?

@Shumensko: In my case it is time for SLEEP. :smiley: Good night all, I will check back in the morning! :slight_smile:

its like 99% polish players.

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Ahaha, that’s a fun image!

Wow, 99% polish, crazy.

I agree with this. What that tag does is making us a target for discrimination both inside and outside the game.

Frostmane players are up in arms because they’re being linked to a “Portuguese realm”. A Portuguese realm in name only. “But they spam the trade chat with Portuguese Portuguese and more Portuguese”

First of all, nobody has used trade chat since 2015.

Second, how long has been since cross realms were introduced? Being permanently connected, won’t change much for public chats, only guilds are affected.

Third, Guilds - If you do a quick guild search in game, you’ll see about 77% of the guilds’ introductions in English (even the ones with Portuguese names), 15% in Portuguese and 8% in Nordic languages. (My perception on the Alliance side, don’t ask for my math pls)

The majority of the Portuguese players have a very good grasp of the English language, we start early in school, TV and movies are all subbed, and most games (even more so when we were children) are in English. Fun fact, most of us would rather use the English option on things than Brazilian Portuguese.

Are there bad Portuguese players and Portuguese players that don’t speak English? Of course. But can’t that be said about every community/country?

So, in conclusion. Put aside your assumptions about us (we’re not polish and we’re not Brazilians), and before transferring, try it for a week. What do you have to lose?


Don’t make it about nationalities, most of us didn’t.


Things for sure changed or i don’t know what happened… I worked in poland very nice people, food and sausage, i aslo played on burning legion back in wrath, never had any problem to raid or anything and i am far from a raider the community was great back then .

In that case, it wasn’t meant for you.

Completely agree, I think the OP is being waaaaaaaaaaaay too assuming, try it out before transferring, if there’s really too many portuguese for your liking (even just 30% of the realm) then transfer, but the numbers don’t agree with there being a portuguese majority.

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@All: Awake… and neither Earth nor Azeroth seem to have imploded, so life continues… :slight_smile: And according to Esploratore’s notes in another thread, the connections were at least somewhat successful in mechanical terms. Anyone have any “reports” about AH, mail or other problems this time?

Portuguese people speak English well, this is not an issue. I’m Portuguese and I play on Frostmane.

technically its the only good decision . its pointless to connect 10 dead servers to each other. dead servers need to be connected to at least 1 iif not 2 high pop servers for merges to serve its purpose.