exept that polish community has been succesively migrating to draenor/silvermoon over past 2 years away from BL
times change
exept that polish community has been succesively migrating to draenor/silvermoon over past 2 years away from BL
times change
As I wrote in the OP and 30,000 times down the thread, it’s not necessarily about the number of Portuguese people itself, although I’m sure it will be significant, it’s about the principle of merging officially different language realms together.
These comments about how it’s okay because Portuguese people can speak English or how realms change or people migrate are all completely missing the point, not to mention missing the point that other than Grim Batol which was known to be major Portuguese, this has never happened before in the history of the game - as well it shouldn’t.
People will come to the server expecting to speak Portuguese - for good reason, the server is marked as such by Blizzard - so they will. And they might even be angry when that turns out to be impossible, assuming that’s the way the tabl turns and it isn’t the English community who get that exact experience.
Waking up saying nothing has affected you when you aren’t even on the realm and have nothing to do with any of this, and therefore everything is fine, is infuriating. It’s like saying nothing bad is happening in China because “the world hasn’t imploded” despite the fact that the capitol is flooded.
10 dead servers could have 250 people on each. Merging them all results in a 2500 people server, which is not a dead one.
EDIT: As for us, we’re going to evaluate until the prepatch, before which we can’t migrate anyway due to M+ and PvP competitions and things like that. We’ll be watching the situation very closely.
You also have to remember none of the data information the players can see is accurate. Only Blizzard have the true server populations, faction split etc. All we have is either census data taken by players (not the most reliable means) or sites like wowprogress which only show some of the raiding population (also not very reliable). They can be used as indicators but they are not by any means an accurate representation.
The Portuguese realm has already been connected to another English realm previously. All English realms are a mix of a multitude of different countries speaking various languages. Most realms have guilds that are for specific languages only.
Personally I’ve always been in guilds with a mix of nationalities but English is the common spoken language but we have members from all over Europe and sometimes beyond. People don’t always want to play specifically on their language realm and they manage just fine.
those damn russians…
Lol, it’s already being real great.
I was on Frostmane yesterday until the server shut down, after which I closed the WoW client. Today when I open it, Frostmane is listed as me having 0 characters on it and the game opened by showing me Aggra, which actually has 0 characters on it.
I’m sure that’ll be fixed though, but good start.
Lol, whatever you tell yourselves.
This, its like most are too stubborn to see what it means for the future.
No doubt the retort will be: but Grim Batol… which was the server where all PT people flocked to and was the reason Al’akir was created but a lot didn’t transfer. So the two got connected. As in: it wasn’t willy-nilly like Frostmane being connected to a different language server.
My sets are all mixed up, I now have random items I did not have my bags when I logged of like quest items from the mechagon questline i completed months ago and 2 vision vessels, which I guess is nice.
Gotta ask myself how a server merge caused this tho…
The calendar is bugged, half the guild’s characters are missing (but are in the guild when logging in), my bags are filled with random stuff, half my item sets are missing, Frostmane claims you have 0 characters on it, if you were logged into the realm before the merge then the game will automatically show you Aggra (and upon that automatically let you make a new character).
Oh, and the official forums has already had three people from Aggra jump into it just to call people xenophobes for having a problem with their server getting merged into a community with a language we can’t understand.
But it’s OK, because
so everything is fine.
Tell me Trelw - what went through your mind when you posted that?
Well I just checked up on my characters on Frostmane:
I’m sure there are some more quirks that needs attention.
Has any connection gone without hiccups this time around
Wouldn’t it be nice if they actually posted an update on how the connections went/didn’t go in the locked thread that they made purely for that purpose? So far the results seem pretty horrendous for the inhabitants of the realms. I’d been really excited about connections when they were announced and was looking forward to my own realm being connected to somewhere else, but this seems like a total mess.
For all on Frostmane and the other affected realms, I hope these issues are resolved quickly
Noooo, that would require them to actually respond to any of this malarky.
Nope. But I could forgive that if they just communicated and updated or maybe even, gasp, apologised the inconvenience at the bottom of the announcement posts.
But no.
I am Portuguese, I play on aggra since it’s open and I used to play on lightning’s blade. Almost all old Portuguese players have to play in English community, don’t know about new portuguese players that start play the game in aggra. We speak Portuguese all the time in general, trade and when we see someone in world that is from our server. But we also know English, not all of us but majority, I think from my prospective you’ll find good people to talk and speak English and you’ll find trolls that just will speak in Portuguese because they think this a Portuguese realm. I play horde so no changes for us but I hope Portuguese Alliance players understand and respect New English players in community. Good luck to all of you and I hope you enjoy the server merge! Have fun
imagine draenor getting merged with a russian realm.
i’ll be like :
а ты говоришь по русски
ты хоть понимаешь нас
ты говоришь только да
ты идиот?
no, but nice try.
Id just love any communication about it. even a little flag that atleast says if blizzard have read a post
Our ways to calculate population are pretty reliable, whatever blizzard has can’t be much better, we can get very close to the accurate state of population and faction balance, raider io seems to agree with the population labels, above a certain number it’s full, under that it’s high and so on with very little error.
I frequently play with Russian players, not had an issue with most of them. My Russian is terrible but their English is good.
I just checked Frostmane (my old server) and it seemed really nice trade chat was extremely active with people talking and I didn’t see anyone talk in Portuguese not even the people from Aggra. I also checked Al’Akir/Burning Legion and I honestly think I lost a few brain cells from the 10 min I spent there… haven’t seen so much toxicity in years… It was 90% polish spam and the other 10% were poles trash talking the English players . I really feel sorry for the people from Al’Akir/Xavius for having been merged with that server.
I’m going to believe Blizz stats over anything players can do.