Don’t remove Circle of Healing please.
I think it’s too similar to HW: Sanctify. Also, Prayer of Mending is already a short high-efficieny heal we have to use regularly - having to use CoH in addition feels annoying.
I’m glad that Blizz is removing CoH and HW: Salvation and is instead making Prayer of Healing, Divine Hymn, and Apotheosis better. It’s much better to have few but stong abilities than many that all feel wateted down.
As a priest who plays solely PvP and in Battlegrounds, Circle of Healing is an extremely nice extra instant (AoE) heal. PoH I havent binded or even on my UI for years, because its so weak in BG’s (interrupts everywhere). Now that the cast time on PoH will be even longer by half a second (if i remember correctly) I will definitively not use it anywhere. PoM is nice but not an instant AoE heal. I really hope they don’t remove it and leave it as an option in the talent tree.
Ahh, I never play PvP, so I didn’t think about it’s value as an instant-heal. Maybe Blizz should make PoH instant heal in PvP then - not necessarily always, but under certain conditions.
Although PoH’s cast time is increasing (2 to 2.5 I think), it will be able to consume Lightweaver’s 30% cast time reduction buff, making it slight faster overall.
Yeah your never getting off a 2.5 second cast in PVP at least in small scale stuff. I don’t have a keybind for PoM either i think its on a bar so i can click it if i ever wanted to cast it…which I never do.
I am not a fan of instant cast healing spells being powerful but 2.5 seconds it better be amazing to even risk casting that length of spell. PVP talent could work as Benico said, even if it only lowered cast time by 1 second…that’s massive in pvp.
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