Dont touch human racial

Lately there are a lot of people asking to change the race of humans or to add the option to change faction and race in WolTK.

It seems unthinkable to me that anyone would even consider adding either of these options for the following reasons:

The human race in WolTK is BiS during the later phases AND ONLY if you do PVE content at a high level. In many threads I have seen mentioned that everyone uses humans on private servers. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that on those servers you can get the most advanced PVE gear for free right out of the box?

For 2 expansions there have been far more abusive races than human in WolTK, but there has never been any change, despite all the people who have asked for it. All the people who have been putting up with this TREMENDOUS inequality for all this time now have to suck it up and lose the advantage they’ve been waiting 3 years for simply because certain people don’t want to go through the same situation the rest of us have gone through.

It would be bleeding to nerf the human’s racial when there have been other racials like:
-Second trinket for fear/mind control/sleep… We are talking about a second pvp trinket, which allows to have advantage over almost all setups. Undoubtedly the most abusive racial ever seen in any expansion of the game.
-Nearly 50% stun resistance. In most arenas this ability makes it INVIABLE to attack these targets.
-Increased armor and removal of poisons and bleeds, as well as immunity to them for several seconds.
-AoE stun that allows chaining a cc without the possibility of avoiding it.
-Allow to use legendary weapons in arenas without any nerf and more in setups such as double rogue.

More specifically, in the case of priests, there are also the following differences:
-Instant rooting with 30s of cd. Probably among the top 5 priest skills in tbc and that can only be used by a few.
-Second dot that greatly increases the priest’s damage during focus (an essential part of the priest is its offensive component).
-Shadow armor that allows you to stun melees many times when attacking you (the main weakness of the shadow are melees).

While it is true that the human racial is useful for rogues, it is completely useless for any other class. Therefore, most humans have been at a great disadvantage all this time. Some of them at a double disadvantage (priests). No one has ever done anything about it (despite having adjusted paladins). If someone does something now to adjust the humans this will become the playground of certain people who are interested in readjusting the game according to their favorite characters and races. If so, please announce it as soon as possible so that each and every person who has had to put up with this situation will start looking for other places to

To illustrate the difference between some races and others (being in most cases the horde races the best - mainly the undead) these are the percentages in the TOP 25 of EU right now of each faction:
2s: 19/25 horde teams (76%)
3s: 23/25 (92%)
5s: 23/25 (92%)

And all the people who have been doing minmax with the races now want to be given a new race or get the advantage automatically… Not to mention the imbalance it would cause to start modifying the game’s racials at this point.

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