I am using this thread to compile a list of crafters on our two servers please reply with what you can make and I will endeavour to update the thread
Weapon smith
Panginaheals-doomhammer - specialist in All Weapons
Iwanb-doomhammer - specialist in hammers maces axes and tools
Peacehoofer-Turalyon - Specialist in potions
VÖth-Turalyon - Alchemy Stones
Armor smith
Panginaheals-doomhammer Speced into belts, Wrists, gloves, frostfirebelt, Allied Wristguards
Bommo-Doomhammer - Speced into Legs, helms, shields and shoulders, can do pvp gear and frostfire legguards at high quality
Zugaro-doomhammer - Plate Chest, Plate Boots, Shields
Fayness-doomhammer Belt/Bracer Max rank
Panginaheals-doomhammer (Alt: Alexiefish-doomhammer) JC, Inscription and Enchanting Accessories
Zixestria-doomhammer - specialist in Elemental Lariet. Necks rings and skilful illimited diamond
Nooteri-Turalyon - Rings, Necks Lariets
Mobruk-Turalyon - Rings, Trinkets and necks + Elemental Lariet
Illydan-turalyon Jewelcrafter: Lariat and rings,
Arcadíes-doomhammer Speced into Hast, Crit and Mastery Illimited Diamonds
Leather worker
Panginaheals-doomhammer (alt: Burningrage-doomahmmer) Flareing Cowl, Leather head, Wrist, chest & Sholders
Jimak-doomhammer - All Leather Items + Profession Equipment
Syllass-Doomhammer - All Leather Items
Vulpix-Turaluyon - specialist in mail feet and belt
Adhamaa-Turalyon - Speced into leath Belt, Pants, Shoes + profession tools → Alchmy hat, flameproof apron, Reinforced pack, Resplendant Cover, Shockproof gloves, Lavish floral pack, Masterwork Smock
Panginaheals-doomhammer Flaring cowl
Widlwand-Doomhammer - speced into mail armor profession tools , decayed patterns and the bow
Ammarie-doomhammer - treatise
Expluvia-Turalyon - dark moon decks, staffs, quill and Profession Equip,ent
Absolomb-doomhammer Staves, Darkmoon decks
Dragonlyfans-Turalyon - Staff, Rolling pin, quill and Mixing rod
Panginaheals-doomhammer (Alt: PandorasFox-doomhammer) - speced into offhands
Bommo - Sophic Devotion + bracers back,rings and chests enchants
Greckiv-Turalyon - ALL ENGI ITEMS - Maxxed in all trees
Jäxx-Turalyon - Mining Helm, engi accessories, engi wrists, engi head
Boreashifu-Turalyon - Profession tools, toys devices, engi wrists, engi head
Volter-Turalyon - Amice of the Blue, Azure weave set items, Sholders
Bail-doomhammer Amice of the blue
Panginaheals-doomhammer (Alt: Doubledexie-doomhammer) Amice of the blue, Bags Shoulders, Legs, Waist + Azureweave and Chronocloth set items
Mysticmuse-doomhammer - Bolt creation
Voth-doomhammer - All gear slots