Grazul here.
Played a shammie healbot main for all of Vanilla, was officer in “God of War”, casual guild who cleared MC. Later we fractioned into “The Core” with the raiding part of GoW.
Had a brief stay in Abyss and ran with Incoming Legends i TBC/WotLK.
do remember the realmforums and the melee huntard (kovac?) being a good laugh back then
Contemplating on joining Wow classic for the good memories, but not gonna be giving it 30-50 hrs a week this time around
Tried making an alliance character at each expansion. Never liked the idea.
But i do feel a bit stupid for only playing 60% of the game.
So if i do Classic, im gonna have to swing alliance.
Leviticus - Dawn of Osiris
I will be heading over to Pyrewood Village come the release.
Would be great to meet up with the old gang.
Quite a large number of DoO still reside on Doomhammer and are still wandering around.
See you all soon
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Sounds good! See you soon.
Muz / Pieman - Dawn of Osiris (previously a spell in NV and some grumpy old farts guilds since day 1!)
… now an even older grumpier fart but actually have some time free around release to catch up if anyone else is still around
Will be heading over to Pyrewood Village to join in the "kids these days… " scoffing and trying to remember where the autorun key is…
Cyas soon!
Hirashna - Used to play with Incoming and a little bit with Abyss peeps before i quit cause i had a kid. I really miss the old days and a lot of the people from back then, it was great. I hope to see some Doomhammer people around for Classic.
Hey Doomhammer! I will be rolling on Gehennas PvP server, anyone from Asmoday out there? Anyhow have fun on classic everyone!
Only shorty on Doomhammer as Nalinia a warlock. Was in Random Acts of Violence due to friends being there but left the server after those friends left. bouncing between servers in my head atm.
I was on doomhammer with:
Quickly - Tauren warrior
Quicklycoby - Undead mage
Alexina - Human Priest
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Mixze here. Played as an undead warlock in Vanilla in the guild Nordavind and in BC I was in Inevitable.
Currently playing at Scullflame, if any oldtimers wants to play again or just have a chat then dont be afraid to poke me in chat or here.
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Ended up on Dreadmist PVP. Followed a work friend in the end.
Wassup people!
Grimnork here, orc warrior tank. I used to raid with abyss until the end of TBC, after which I joined Incoming. Currently playing classic on Flamelash.