In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Doomhammer in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
Scaramange, Troll mage Incoming
Incoming is still around but moved to Tarren Mill. Doomhammer horde side has been dead for years.
There aren’t any plans to play classic as a guild but we are actively raiding current content.
Hey there, Nono (Tauren Shamy) and also Nonono (Undead Priest) here !
I was playing in “NinetyNine Problems” guild. We were raiding BWL and started AQ40. Also previously, I was also in the guild called “Unforgotten Ones”. I will come back and hope to enjoy the game as I did almost 15 years ago.
If you want to link with me please contact me here.
Old members of NinetyNineProblems have a facebook page
Please feel free to join so we can choose the best server for us so we can play the game together as we did in those old good days.
Neji, Troll mage, used to play alot with Incoming. Nice to see you guys are still active, even if its on a different realm!
Cryogen Orc Warlock here! Play in quite a few guilds here back in the day!
Hey guys, i played Tauren Shaman “Noxar” and was a member of NinetyNine Problems, was in the guild for a good while, doing MC, Onyxia and a little bit of BWL.
Blizzard has released the list of WoW classic servers. For the EU (English) there are 2 PvE (normal) servers:
- Mirage Raceway
- Pyrewood Village
Which one are you going to play ? I’m Nono, Nonono (Undead Priest) member of the NinetyNine guild
Baak Undead Warrior Tank
Incoming and later Abyss
Incoming was for a long time the number 1 Guild on the Horde side. It cost us alot of effort and time, like every other guild raiding back in those days for that mather. Good to see so many (quick) replies from old Incoming members :)!
Abyss was a chill out guild. Very friendly, mostly Dutch, Raiding but not as much as Incoming did and not at the same level. But we got beter in TBC and we eventually had a meet up with the guild plebs in person. That was a lot of fun.
I miss these days, from both guilds. You as a person ment something for a guild and not just some iLvl @#%^!.
Will I return? I don;t know, maybe on a drunk evening when I can no longer resist the urge. Haa
i migrated to a pvp server back in the day, me and some friends are gonna play on Golemagg (pvp), good to see some of the oldschool ppl still playing
Undead Rogue Subliminal … been on doomhammer since 2005
Anyone still about from The Evolution?
Played mostly as a paladin called Hyla or DK called Vogan.
Both on alliance and horde side. Can’t really recall what guilds I was in.
Played with so many people that i can’t possibly name them all.
Zulmurak here, used to play warlock, and raided with Incoming.
Best memory is tanking the twin emps in aq40, or hearing that beautiful voice of maccas screaming at us on vent/ts.
I miss the lot of you, this game was never the same with out you. Hope you’re all doing well guys.
Ill be back for vanilla.
Zul out
Dieuwtjin, undead priest.
Used to be in die safe, later Abyss. PVP-ed quite a lot back then next to raiding. I raided all endgame content throughout TBC and had to quit near WOTLK due to a physical health issue. I have a lot of fond memories of Abyss especially, but since I didn’t read anything from any of them still active on facebook, I’m assuming the guild will stay dead. Thus, I will probably join my brother on Shattrah PVP, on the alliance, named for some variation of ‘Dieuw’. I hope to see some of my old acquiantances there, still! 
Shoutout to Baak above!
Merchant, Tauren Hunter.
Was a member of The Brotherhood and Dawn of Osiris.
Remember the 99Problems and Incoming guilds.
Still in touch with a few members of incoming from back in the day in RL.
Looking to causally level up and raid again at some point.
Hey bro. Omphin the tauren druid here. Was in die safe too!
Stonehoff Druid Tauren and original raid member of Nordanvind throught vanilla & TBC… Some of us old school Nordavind players are still around on doomhammer but only as dirty casuals 
A few of us are going to play classic, myself included. Most of the old NV players lm
still incontact with will be on Shazzrah. Hope to see allot of old people from NV, Incoming, Abyss, The Brotherhood, Dawn, 99probs etc in classic
Drop me a battlenet invite & lets wipe