Dooms day is coming

thing is classic pvp is overated by a lot on these forums, certain classes can 1 shot and then there are specs that are completly useless, and there is no rated pvp at all

this is probl part of the reason why no there is no competitive pvp, but the fun in classic are the big world battles, feels just really cool if you see 40+ horde vs 40+ alliance


The point with classic is the rpg element the fun behind the gameplay the classes and most of the time i’d consider myself Classic PvE gameplay with a mix of PvP gameplay a lot and i mean by a lot better than retail rated pvp even if i’d wish that retail pvp would actually be great it isn’t reality.
Meanwhile isn’t classic only for pve players but more for everyone loving world of warcraft and it’s roots.


Read it.

Read it.

Read it.

Read it.

As i am overflying those threads they have a couple of things in common with this thread but all in all it has very different concerns than what i’m trying to bring up, if you somehow tried to bash me with that

Ok I’ll do you a favor and streamline it.
With the constant manipulation of metrics and rating ranges, admins of a rating system can inflate or deflate the rating pool at will.
With the use of rating ranges in matchmaking in this game in particular, and how it starts off limited to a predefined range when you first queue and then expands the search parameters the longer you stay in the queue, it means the amount of these ranges in total in the rating system and how long it takes for the search parameters to expand decides how quick the queue is.
Regardless of how many people are queuing.

For example, let’s say you have 20 different rating ranges. But due to the average wait time taking precedence, and the queue isn’t optimized for the player pool, the wait time then increases. Cut that down in half to 10 rating ranges, it means it’ll go faster.

So long queue times is because the system isn’t calibrated as it should be for the player pool size.
The only way more players helps this, is if the system is calibrated for a larger player pool size. But that doesn’t mean more players = faster queues, it means the calibration of it is what decides the speed.

The more rating ranges in the matchmaking (no, that does not mean the ranges for the titles, it means the ranges used for matchmaking which tend to be much smaller in sizes), the more average the skill level of each matchup will be. In other words, it’ll become more “fair” in terms of chance to win. But it needs more and more players, because each added rating range in the matchmaking takes longer time in the matchmaking process.

While fewer rating ranges in the matchmaking process, it means there’ll be a larger difference of skill and a more unbalanced chance to win in the matchups, but it’ll go faster in the matchmaking process which is better for fewer players.

As for designs of classes etc.

(The accessibility of hosting services also affects the matchmaking speed btw, but that kinda goes without saying. Can’t matchmake if there’s no room on a server to host it after all, so the server configuration might have its own queue at times as well.)

Not really a fan of classic too but I’m still super hyped because I liked how WoW was back then even though PvP is absolutely terrible.

I think Classic WoW’s PvP will be very popular – World PvP and subsequently Battlegrounds.
And I think a lot of PvPers will gravitate toward it for the foreseeable future.

I think Retail WoW’s PvP is transitioning into a niche or complimentary activity, rather than being one of the few things you can do in the game (as is the case in Classic WoW and WoW in other early expansions).
Blizzard have introduced so many gameplay activities to the game that PvP isn’t the only choice you’re left with anymore when it isn’t raid night. There’s so much else now. And I think PvP is becoming less popular as a consequence.
I think players are increasingly doing PvP as a complimentary activity, like questing with Warmode on, doing the weekly Battleground/Skirmish event quest, Battleground Brawl, and so on. There are fewer and fewer people who are die-hard, full-time PvPers in the game.

And I think Arena specifically is becoming a niche activity. There’s a dedicated audience for it, but the general playerbase has no interest in it for a myriad of reasons – most of which are not related to any of the dedicated audience’s concerns.

I think in the long term, PvP in WoW will gravitate toward more traditional MMORPG PvP, i.e. World PvP driven by player engagements.

I think we’ll see players do more PvP in the future, and I think we’ll see players do less Arena and Battlegrounds in the future.

What are you calling PvP in here? Group of 40 ppl killing the leftover of enemy playerbase on the shard who are afking btw?
Since I’d didn’t call that PvP.
There is literally close to none combat engagement between the 2 factions they just ./hello each other and keep on questing

Player versus Player.

Like do you get what in trying to say? 40 Vs 2 can’t really be called PvP since it doesn’t have the aspect what it should have
It never had and it never will. Atleast back in classic you could make a group and try to kill the enemy 40 players but atm they rather get invited to another shard and literally do nothing
And idk if you get it but player versus player isn’t in plural form so think about it

Hi All,

I sometimes read the forums just to see whats going on and i log here and there in to make some gold but i unsubbed two months ago from this game.

So far i feel good for myself and i have no regret of quiting this game.

Chilling with friends and improve my real life while working hard to strife and achieve things in this life is much more meaningful and rewarding to me.

Even tho despite the state of the game atm i always loved to play but instead the developers went wrong directions and don’t listen to feedback to improve the game in a pvp perspective view.

Basicly they destroyed the game “pvp part” wich i participated a lot in till gladiator range 2.7exp ish but bfa sadly did it for me.

I wish u all good luck and think about what matters in live more importantly then so to speak “a game”

grtz 3>


It should make Blizzard think why people (for now) prefer a 15 year old version of the game over the current one.

And maybe fire all who are responsible for the current itteration and hire all the people back who made classic.


Ah okay. Sorry.

The oldscool acronym for PvP was PK – Player Killing. For some reason it went out of fashion with the emergence of all the MMORPGs that came out alongside WoW. I guess PvP felt like a more fitting acronym, since it paired up nicely with the common use of PvE.
But yeah, PK is perhaps a more accurate description of how the activity often just involves one player annihilating the other who’s completely unaware until it’s too late. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

But regardless, it’s semantics I think. Everyone gets the meaning of PvP. If you hit on something that’s controlled by another player, then it’s PvPing……Or PKing. :yum:

Classic PvP is crap; its more gear dependent than now and requires a crap ton of time investment if you don’t raid, considerably more than PvP does now even with all of the time sinks it has.

But the gameplay is more MMO and possibly better. I mean levelling will probably take til end of November-early December for the majority of people.

This idea that classes can one shot is also a complete fallacy; it only occurs when geared players meet non-geared players. A bit like how rogues are probably top 3 in PvP…til everyone gets geared and then mages, locks and SPs dominate.

Anyway despite calling PvP crap I am going to play and most likely enjoy it. Classic PvP rewards individual skill whilst arena rewards teamwork basically.

They also confirmed TBC will follow…so there’s no reason not to at least get to 60. Grinding to rank 10 (or 11) took forever when I was younger…like playing 6+ hours a day every day for months. Not sure I can be bothered to do that.

Basically the problem right now is simple; Blizzard’s design philosophy is you can gear from many source (pve or pvp) but to make sure pvp doesn’t outright affect pve, it has to be worse, therefore you have to gear through pve and that is what every pvper hates (except whatever that DH’s name is). PvP gear is bad, too RNG and unless you’re glad worse than PvE gear.

if Jitos post is anything to go by, TBC cant come sooner. You also completely ignored Naelys point…2v40 isn’t PvP for anyone who actually cares about PvP. In fact in classic I would say if you aren’t outnumbered, you aren’t PvPing, you’re just a noob killing people when you have an advantage. Then you get the numbers equal and people leave so meh.

My take on Arena is still that there’s a small dedicated audience who really loves it…and everyone else doesn’t give a hoot.
If a TBC server option was to be released, then I think it would be the same small dedicated Arena audience that would be interested in TBC Arena. Everyone else wouldn’t give a hoot about it. They’d be there for Illidan and Kil’jaeden.

That is technically also PvP. It may not be what interests you about PvP. You may be more drawn toward skillful, hard-fought battles against equal opponents. But others just enjoy a no-strings-attached slaughterfest or a wild ganking spree.
It’s all PvP, in its simplest meaning of the term at least.

But it’s a common exchange around here. I often run into this conversation:
“What are you doing here Jito? You’re no PvPer!”
“What do you mean? I’ve done lots of PvP. Killed some Horde in Nazjatar today.”
“That’s not real PvP.”
“What’s real PvP?”
“Oh, I do Skirmishes every now and then!”
“Rated Arena.”

The air is thick with elitism here sometimes. :biohazard:

No every one just hates you. There was a topic created not long ago petitioning to ban you from the arena forums.


Ppl would like to see pvp vendors and gearing up thru bgs


Every human being must have access to free speech It’s not democratic to ban some1 speech

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I don’t believe anyone feels genuine hate around here. All-around it seems like a normal bunch of gamers to me.
I think people are just upset, angry, or frustrated with the game, and then they come to the forum seeking an outlet for those emotions.
It’s difficult to direct that anger and frustration onto like-minded people who all feel the same. But the one guy who says that the game is great and that Blizzard are awesome, he’s a perfect focus to project those emotions onto. There’s a cathartic release in being able to tell that guy that he’s wrong – Arena is the worst ever, Blizzard are stupid, and so on.

If a Blizzard representative was here, then you’d funnel all your anger and frustrations toward him. But there’s no Blizzard representative here, so you project it onto me instead. That’s okay. It’s passion. And I can shoulder it. So you just funnel all the hate you need to. :slight_smile: