Dooms day is coming

U said by yourself what concerns high rated players idk and idc about the family condiotions of players OK and lets agree with u arena community is a small part of playerbase ever consider the reason behind this phenomenon?

and this is the wrong decision as World PvP is also good or even at it’s best when arena balance is on point.
Season 15 for example was the last time I did real world pvp as everything used to be fun I could go to elwynn forest with my priest partner and do 2v6 or take even some smaller raids because of how much potential class design and skill had back then.

the playerbase who doesn’t care are for me delusional blizzard thumb sucker if i am allowed to say it that way because these players are satisfied with any state of this game. It might be good for them because they don’t give a dam, but it shouldn’t take the cost of important high pvp balance.


You’re just baiting him into saying it’s an anecdotal observation and argumentation. You’re literally just turning it into a “he said, she said” kind of empty argument by doing so.

I think we get off topic giving importance to jito lets stop talking to him and move on the topic

If I were to guess (and it’s a guess – I have no way of knowing), then I’d say it’s a combination of Arena remaining mostly the same for the past 10 years. It grows stale and stagnates with time…and people lose interest.
And then there’s the influx of more gameplay activities in WoW over the years, which Arena has to compete with for the player’s time and attention. Mythic+ dungeons. Pet Battles. Island Expeditions. Warfronts. World Quests. And so on.

I agree. I never quite understood why Blizzard didn’t approach Arena class balance more aggressively. I doubt it’s very time-consuming to nerf or buff a few specs here and there each week.
I can understand the philosophical reasons for not wanting to make too many changes too often. But if it’s what the players request, then it seems foolish not to give it to them.

I’m going to bed. you can carry on. :+1:

Easy to break apart this guess of yours, since it carries no basis other than your outsider speculation which is yet again an empty argument.
Every other unchanging thing you can spend your time on disagrees with you.
Tennis is unchanging too, for example.
I’d argue PvP, including arena, in the game and other games, changes a lot more and is a lot less stale, since it changes with gameplay changes, even if the concept remains the same.
It’s only perceived as stale when it doesn’t engage the player. Which is also touched upon in the xbox rating system report, oddly enough.
You can also find more on “enjoyable aspects of a game” in

You can also read that entire thread too. You’ll learn more. Including the link to that report too, of course.
So check out the report Radium linked to.
It’ll provide a lot more weight behind your words. Instead of relying on empty platitudes as for why players would be angry or why people would dislike something in the game.

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This. Idk if I can be bothered of going to classic back. Few months ago rolled on a server and realised that in endgame my main specc for ages is gimped literally. There’s close to no kitty gameplay and even if you can make it work it is the most clunky fck you’ll ever see(powershifting) every 2 globals out of catform and in again.
Also for playing lock, meh there will be a ton of them so I might pass for a while

i have to admit play warrior on retail is much better than classic Yy our stances were lost but missing my autoattacks to generate rage or spamming ww for aoe or can’t use charge in combat or wait when HS lands arent fun at all

who cares 1shots.

its fun and this is what counts. tbc and wotlk were also garbage balanced but you had fun and could outplay worse player.

Now i stand there like a bot and spam pve rotation into a dh who spams his pve rotation into my mage mate until something dies when dampening is finally high enough The only fun left in the game are the funny pve trinkets and r3 essence of flame crits btu then again everyone cries because of balance instead of enjoying and have a laugh.

the imbalance made pvp so good back then.
most people loved pvp back then even tho 1/3 of speccs werent viable at all.

What? Fun is not onesided Generally a pvp game is fun cause its balanced it may this balance come from constant hotfixes or u have same opportunities for all ppl Also the fun in wow is not only the balance at pvp but its compexity that made it special and addictive Closing If u define as fun having fun over some1 else while at the same time he/she feels upset its at least autistic

Solo 2vs2 Q’s can fix it. More people will start to do arenas (me including). And if you will be unable to Q with your friends, then no one will be making an OP comps…it will be all random. But for these who wants to play with friends they can keep 3vs3 arena but rewards must be the same to not force players to do 3vs3 against rmp for better rewards.

Very good post, sums up a lot of WoW’s current problems. There is no easy fix, though. If the next expansion is not going to be insanely good, which is very unlikely, this game might be doomed.

Hey guys I actually like the game the way it is right n-
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While I will play classic, to a point anyways I am somewhat sure it can never be the real vanilla experience. Simple fact is that people already know 100% EXACTLY what to expect, they can prepare for it all.

So every BG will run a ton of Warriors and Holy Paladins, every raid will run a ton of Warriors, Mages and Rogues along with Holy Paladins. Simply put, a few specs were far far ahead of the rest in terms of power, especially when they get some gear. People back in vanilla did not know this to a degree that we know it now, this is proven by the fact that class stacking was not really a thing. Yes you did bring 5-6 of some class, but it was at random most of the times.

Massive % of the pop will be Warr/Mage/Rogue since those 3 are op in PvP or PvE, or both actually. Since you know it now you will see all the tryhards trying to imitate Pat the Warrior.

Simply put, I think Classic will deal a large blow to World of Warcraft as a whole, it will be interesting and fun for the first month, but after that I forsee massive numbers quitting since lvling is a chore, the grind is insane at times, and both pvp and pve balancing are a joke. People complain on the PvP forums how bad the current season xpac is (Dont get me wrong, they are 100% right), but Classic pvp balancing will make you piss nails and make BFA look like the best thing since sliced bread.

Vanilla is about the story, not balance. And if you are not willing to grind, endure gearing yourself for months, and accept that unless you are one of the few op specs you will not shine, dominate or anything close to that than I fear you will most likely be one of those quitting after a month or so.

People expect Classic to fix all the problems WoW has, and its very sad that Blizzard has had to resurrect a 15 year old version of the game so WoW does not go under, but besides boost the revenue for a few months I foresee this as the end of the game.

But hey, at least Blizz makes some crazy money at the end.


Imagine thinking that soloq will make a difference when we have bigger problems than that.
Soloq won’t resolve anything until classdesign won’t be fixed

while i think that ranked solo q would be nice thing to have, and i would gladly play it…it will not fix pvp…class balance in WoW now is at its worst, and thats the most important thing Blizz should think how to fix…maybe proper soft countering class/specs (aka rogues>cloth wearers, plate>melee leather etc.)

Btw dooms day is here since wod, and the doomer dooms day since legion
We basically live in hell for a while

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Next xpac may as well be built from classic base imstead of BFA

Class balance will never be fixed. It’s impossible now, because we have so many classes and specs now. Even in Vanilla it was bad and I think around AQ+Naxx it got worse because of PVE gear.

Solo Q to 2vs2 and banning premades will fix OP class stacking. Sure, sometimes your enemy team will be destro warlock+healer but it will be random and who said that warlock will be good or his healer will be good? You will lose to 1 warlock+healer team then you will win against the same comp played by different players because they are bad. But on your third Q you will see different comps. 2 ench shamans for example and who knows what happens? :grinning::grinning: More different teams will be playing arenas and there will be more fun. I really liked vanilla system because it was possible to achieve something by playing solo by any class and spec.

Agree with everything in your post, just don’t get why do you put arms together with destro in the “non” deserving the last buff brackets.
Just look into participation and ranking of comps for specs, arms is not even in the top 15 in 2s (which is, also for me and the few friends left I play with more important and playable).
So, again, good post with good points, but unfortunately, Blizzard devs are clueless and/or non-caring.
Mainly, there is one big fail at the lead position that is absolutely detrimental to the state of the game, all his words, attitude, way of thinking (shown in QAs) shows one thing - there is really no hope they will improve PvP.