Dooms day is coming

No, you’re just a very time-consuming person to have a rich conversation with. And it requires – from my side – a commitment of hours. I know that from experience. And I don’t have those hours to spare. Sorry.

Notice that I’m not the only one who is staying away from that rating-system discussion.
And I’m not avoiding your responses because you say I’m wrong. I just don’t have the time to read the articles and posts you’ve referred to in order to discuss the points you’ve expressed. I’m okay with my point about the rating system and queue system being brief and plain, even if it isn’t super specific and precise. Again, I don’t have the time for a wall-of-text with minute attention to detail. Sorry but not sorry.

I’m not just saying you’re wrong, I even explain how you’re wrong. I’ll quote it so people will see it without needing to scroll.

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I was trying to say that 1 reason behind the state of the game was the casual playerbase

Yes, I know. But that’s a discussion. You can’t claim to be right by default. Your words ought to be scrutinized by me as you’ve scrutinized mine. But I don’t have the time for that. And now I’m off. Good night. :sleeping:

:heart: Atleast jito founds his counter
Do you volunteer for the whisperer one?

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Just try to deconstruct the arguments and shine a spotlight on the flaws (just so happens to be many flaws in this thread) , and then explain in excrutiating detail why it’s flawed. Nothing scares people away on WoW forums like a continuous stream of walls of text.

Only thing I remember of Whisperer was his tendency to act as a martyr with the class he was playing, first the feral he was posting on and then when he swapped “main” to his lock it suddenly became all about that. But then you get into a debate with no winner, so just point out the real flaws which is the presumption of why things are how they are, and the fixed idea that the fundamentals can’t change which is just complete bogus.
Which is why PvE and PvP should just do a clean split once and for all. Would provide total freedom to design both things properly, instead of both tying each other down. Might all just be 20/20 hindsight though, since players are deeply conditioned to the game as it is now. To try and change that in an instant might just dispel any emotional attachment players have left, which would basically lead to a huge loss of players.

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Blizzard wake the F up and reintroduce PVP gear vendors and Resilience/PVP Power on PVP gear so PVE gear abuse stops or at least you take significantly more damage if you equip only pve gear.

Resilience/PVP Power could also increase damage/Healing done in addition of reducing damage taken to encourage people who want to play at high ratings to use PVP gear instead of just using overpowered PVE gear. You can make it so that versatility benefits stay the same but Resilience/PVP Power is more effective than versatility in PVP but useless in PVE. That way PVE heroes can still use their PVE gear but will always be one step behind PVP players who actually invest a lot into PVP and equip PVP specific gear.

You could even use the Benthic gear model so that we get tokens based on rating which we can use to upgrade our whole set week by week.

In its current state, this season is DEAD! Hardly anyone is playing 3s. Many people I know simply quit once they realised without the grind you cannot play properly. Once classic comes its over.


Same, I’ve been playing on and off since Warlords, on and more off during Legion but except a month every patch in this expac I cant find myself to play. The classes gameplays, interactions, the rock / paper / scissors stronger than ever meta, welfare rewards thanks to never-seen-unbalance-level in 2s just make PvP pointless and not even fun.

I’m not even that much a fan of arenas, I was playing arenas as much as I was playing random battlegrounds or wPvP. Random battlegrounds are just annoying af with healers awful design making some players god mode for 20 secs during the cooldowns then just flop when they’re down. Azerite defensive systems are as stupid as overly offensive bonuses on trinkets. Whats left? Laggy ashrans and AVs, that weren’t even laggy in WoD but started to be unplayable during Legion, and don’t get me started with the “potato computer” excuse, it happens everytime there’s more than 30 people in an area.

So out of PvP what’s left? Raids, same good old sh1t that’s the same since it’s inception, only mythic is worth a shot and I’m not putting dedication in this mode. Mythic+ that isn’t bad of an idea but with boosts being rampant asf and huge differences between weeks and modifiers make this mode’s competition a joke.

Part of those griefs could be applied to overwatch. It’s so sad they always have to dumb down their games with every patch they develop later and how they turn their fun games into some annoying piece of crap because they can’t make a game that’s fun for all players. They have to design their games so you can only have fun while playing meta and if you don’t not only you don’t really stand a chance but also you don’t have fun.

I’ve said many times that I was done with this game but surely classic isn’t appealing at all to me and my hopes have been at all time low since WoD and the following patches kicked in so I’m not expecting any better for 9.0.

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PvP will take a dip from the start, sure. But I doubt it will last that long, for various reasons.

For starters, vanilla didn’t have arenas. What it means is that it will be rather rng to face skillful opponents, you can’t just queue up and get a fair playing field where you meet someone that doesn’t backpeddle around all game long.
What will be available is random bg’s, wpvp and duels. The last one will probably be the main way to get some interesting fights, although it’s just 1vs1 which I have a feeling will become boring for someone that’s used to doing 3vs3.

The random bg’s crowd might enjoy it more. Maybe. It all depends on how they will feel about the cc system (based upon resistance that’s increasing, so sitting in 30 sec sheeps will be a thing) and… further down the road, full premades and raiders owning every bg.

Wpvp guilds might be the ones that will enjoy pvp on vanilla the longest, for as long as there’s enough opponents to fight.

TBC and wotlk however might be more of a threat to retail, those will have arenas around. Then it will be down to which pvp you enjoy more.

I will roll a character, enjoy seeing the male undead animations again and I’m sure I will have some fun down the road doing pvp, but I don’t have much illusions. I remember the downsides with pvp back then.
I have also come to enjoy arenas a bit too much to be willing to give up on it, even if the gearing system is terrible.

Stop being deluded. Classic isn’t killing off anything man. People will play for a while and get bored. The most likely scenario is the overall player base for WoW will dip a LOT before the end of this xpac.

Blizz is oblivious on how to make the game good again. Going to classic is a cop out from their absolute failure to make a fun and engaging game, so instead they just roll out classic hoping to drag in the idiots that are ignorantly nostalgic and more newer players, say MoP/WoD onwards into classic so they can swifty one shot or unbreakable one shots. It will get stale for both REALLY quickly.

They need to go back to good class design with great content. MoP or even WoD had great class design, why not go back to that. From a class design prospective the game evolved well. Then it went down hill… Fast.

All these classic raving idiots are helping destroy the game all their bollocks of “I’m leaving this shiit for classic”, “classic will kill retail”, “Classic will be better” and all that crap is exactly what’s brining this game to shiit. You are allowing blizzard to cop out.

Over time we will get worse content because some of you idiots are not pushing for the right direction. imagine after 15 years you are allowing blizzard to take us back to the most archaic state of the game instead of saying “no i don’t want classic, i want a fun engagng experience on retail”. If anything we should be demanding that the game returns to what it was in better expansions, be that MoP, WotLK or whatever came after BC and before legion. BUT NOT VANILLA! How you going to let them cop out on us wth Vanilla ffs.

Tbh the WoW community is sometimes just as bad as blizzard and sometimes worse. Best thing to do right now in this game is just quit. It’s a shame this game bassically monopolises the genre. There is no competition.


Coz there was a trend to say “oh, It used to be better” and then they give them classic. And all this people turned out to be hostages of their own dreams. They still thinking that older versions of the game much more better and never even played classic.

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I played vanilla. I was a multiclasser in vanilla.
I even know the fundamental differences and why people say it used to be better. But for you to understand THAT, you’re gonna have to read this thread:

I doubt you will though. Because who goes to forums to read, anyway? :roll_eyes:

In other words, it used to have a better social design. I doubt you even know what that entails though.

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okay really?

Let me tell you I don’t like Classic the fact it doesn’t have arenas bothers me a lot cuz of that I rather have TBC. But the other aspects which the game has forgotten about and are non existent on todays WoW are gone and this is something which will make me personally play it, let off PvP.

There are a lot of people telling Classic won’t kill off etc but since my post was also just a presumption of something it doesn’t mean it really will but the chance of doing so especially in the PvP part is very high.

WoW, u must be legend?

Read the rest of the post and the link. It’ll amaze you. insert censored burn

Better soical design speccially ninja loots and loot DRAMAs, when even whole guilds drops down coz of loot, aye. :smiley:
Mr. guy who played classic wow.

Oh my… You read one extra line of text. Good for you. Now read all of it, because that’s wrong in so many places which is explained in detail. You just need to read more than 3 words at a time.

I read it all, if u want to play it - go.

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Except you didn’t.

I’ll help you out if you don’t like the WoW forum interface:

Read that report. The thread puts it into context for WoW, but for the first step just read that report. Let’s see if you understand sociological terms, as they are explained to you in the report.

Show you’re one who can, instead of one who can’t!

Are u srsly? I need to read all whole report coz u want that? Oh dear, get lost.