Double gatherers starved of artisan acuity

I see people from crafting professions getting proffession gear and buying the knowledge points with their artisan acuity at much faster rate than gatherers. As a double gatherer we get so little of it per week that it would take me more than a year of active playing to get profession gear and the knowledge points from vendors, surely this cannot be intended??

How can double gatherers be so screwed? We only got max little above 600 AA so far, which is stupid low compared to other professions that can do patron orders and stuff like that.

People are suggesting profession shuffling but honestly, should that be the way? It feels wrong and the whole thing about this low gain of AA for gatherers just seems like an overlooked mistake in the whole profession system.
In dragonflight, we had enough mettle to be on par with crafters…

Please Blizzard, are you aware of that? We double gatherers would like to have satisfying progression with our profesions aswell…


It’s a problem ~

Another problem is not only that you can buy few knowledge points but you need 300 Artisan for creating the blue quality tools /accesssory ,

At the end you need 1800 (6x300) artisan points or better to say 18 weeks to obtain , rather to say you are unable to spend on the knowledge points since you get lesser artisan points ~

So basically to get the tool/acccessory you need at least 3 months~ While any crafting professions can easily get gear/item any proff upgrade within 1st week .

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It really feels bad. After doing the weekly stuff, and picking up my allotted amount of KP and acuity for the week, there is nothing more I can do. No hope of advancing my specialization. Doesnt feel good.

I sure hope it is not intended to profession shuffle to funnel acuity into gathering from other professions?? That way is bad for professions aswell, since acuity is warband based.
Quite simply put, no love for gatherers from blizzard. Not to mention truesight vial is lame aswell.

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Yep i’m totally off since i need like 3 months from now (35 Points ) to get the 6 items for my Collector.

Not talking that gathering can get like 10 /11 points per week and has the most points from other proff to spend .

My lw has 50 more points already due the crafting orders…another minus .

Well no idea but for this expansion the grind is become even more harder due the limitation and of course the bot that right now are like 10 an 10…

That is not true. Herbalism tree has 560 points total, Mining has 500. Blacksmithing has 865 for example. Leatherworking has 800. The only crafting profession that has less points in the tree is Engineering with 480.
KP aquisition rate might be fine, the issue is artisan’s acuity.

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Gathering and skinning should be capped as in work energy / day style .
The fact that u can infinite farm is plain wrong to start with .
The acuity is one of the many problems .

Yes, my bad . Just seems that every crafting proof due crafting order it feels like is already filled up(at least some major gear +point).

Bumping this. My dual gatherer can’t even buy all the books yet while my dual crafter already has all the books, crafted tools for herself and learned some recipes for acuity.
The discrepancy is huge.

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Bumping this.
Please Blizzard do something about this.

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Buying profession upgrades for mining/herbing is a 1-time with the currency, right?

Crafters are also starved for Acuity. Many recipes costs 150 acuity each. The recipes that don’t cost gold or acuity are not good gold makers (because everyone have them).

I reduced my weapon crafting commission to 1K, and still don’t get replies most of the time when I offer to craft for 1K which means they get better or similar offers, meanwhile I still charge 10K for profession tools and accessories crafting. And those recipes cost acuity.

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