Downloading/finding the WoW Cinematics

So, I’ve been wanting to cut together a little collage Video specifically for my Guild. Mostly ingame footage of firstkills, Guildevents and whatnot. And I wanted to spice it up a little by adding in some snipits from the official Cinematics because, well, most of’em are pretty awesome.
So I want to my game directory and… well, they’re gone. I destinctly remember them being there.

By now, the Video is done but this is still kind of bugging me. Does anyone know where they are or where I can find them nowadays?

Youtube would be my first choice. Either the Warcraft or the Wowhead channel.

The cinematics that play during the game are also in the game files, but they’re a little bit harder to extract. I’d just go to youtube, downloading from there is easier than extracting from the game files, imo.

I clearly remember there being .avi files. are they gone?

They’ve been gone for a long time now.

Youtube, just make sure to use antivirus when downloading it or you might get adware or spyware

I had no idea :smiley: whenever i wanted to see them, which admittedly isn’t that often anyways, I just played them in the character selection screen.

But fine, youtube it is then. Does anyone know a good tool for downloading it from there?

The avi’s and all are still in the game files, just put into other containers. Like how other stuff is put in with games over the years.

I think it’s only 720 or 1080p video files now, but there are some AI software these days that could upscale that to 4K if done properly. Some of the cinematics would look good in 4K no doubt.

no i checked every last folder. they’re all in some batch file somewhere

I suggest you to look upon youtube, but not taking official world of warcraft channel but more about cinematic upgraded to 4K or 8 k etc.

Official :

Upgraded 4 k:

The difference is quite huge so if it’s for work it’s better to download the 4K, and then work on it so it will get a better resolution

Get e.g. Youtube Downloader HD and DL cinematics straith from their YT channel.

You might try CASCView to unpack wow files and get the cinematics.

Yeah, they’re packed into another file which can be extracted and if need be you could run them through a AI upscaler to get 4/8K resolution on them. But even with best CPU’s and all, you’re looking at days for that process to go through if you want best results.

Needs a decent video enhancing AI though to do it.

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