I quit Bdk since i dont get an invite for keys 27+ at all , since we dont bring anything to the Group as a Bdk when we compare it to Prot paladin or Vdh.
so i decided to just play Dps for fun and OMG its even worst than Bdk
i play mostly Unholy with disease build , it is legit so slow and you have to press like 4 5button to start your burst while Dh can eat the whole pack in like 4sec before you can start your rotation
Pressing Outbreak is legit Feels bad
pressing Unholy blight feels bad
i dont know why my Defile cover the puddles on the ground and it made us die its legit troll
our Single target is omega bad and our switch target is even more awefull
Honestly with defile i dont mind Staying in my DnD since its growing so big and im mostly fine with it untill it gets to a boss like Yazma which i have to constantly moving
Dk need to bring something into the group , we need a reason to get invite we cant sit all day in LFG cuz Devs thinks that grips is all we need to bring.
I dont know how blizzard Devs thinks its Ok and leave Dk in this state
Atleast make a build or spec from Dk for M+
Playing Dk compare to something like Dh or Mage or Rouge or rest is like Driving a car from 1999 while other people are Driving 2024 cars
the whole class is a mess and Aura buff or dmg buff wont fix it
I dont Enjoy playing other class I prefer to quit this game than to Rerole to mage or paladin or antyhing else Blizzard.
My main is Frost dk but even i dont want on my keys or i am suprised if my joining apply accepted from other parties.As a blood or frost.They were have cr and amz before expansion but not both have gone.You can still take amz if you want.I am saying why i should take dk instead paladin ? They should really fix some utilities.
it takes much more than just a Utility the whole class is a mess and all they do care is Raiding and nothing else sadly
We should atleast have a good and strong spec for M+ But atm none of the specs we have is close to class like Dh or mage or others
comparing Dk to paladin is just a joke the only thing paladin lacking which i think they will get next expansion is Bloodlust and meanwhile they are so stingy when it comes to Dk and they ruined this class so badly.
we need Real Group utility and we Need a Complete Rework
why should i press 5cd before actually doing DMG when other class can just press 1button and blasting the whole pack and they do even more dmg and also better DMG profile since our dmg is just padding but for example a Fire mage can do insanely good prio dmg while blasting in AOE
the problem of Unholy talent tree is that you can go full ST or full AOE there is no middle ground
Disease build works for M+ but its not even Close to what other class are capable of doing , its like im a worst version of Havoc dh with nothing like darkness or 5% magick debuff
i feel like Out break should go too pressing that feels really bad we should add our disease by aur auto or Scourge strike re aplying disease with Outbreak is like you play with a class in Tbc design
We need a Rework to smoth the rotation gives us some party buff and also fix some core problem we have rightnow
Blizzard cant getaway by Ignoring Dks for a whole expansion.
They have to do something to fix it and its not gona get fix by some candy buff like Aura buff % and things like this.
we need a Rework for this mess blizzard Devs created for us.
they have mostly been doing that for so long UNTIL their holy spreadsheets show that we underperform a little to much, then they will do some number buffs and call it a day.
i hate them
I am still trying to convince Blizzard for rework for Frost dk.Some streamers also trying to that who plays main frost dk.For other dk i dont know.I know Blood and Frost very well.Blood now not have much utility but still strong but their utility not useful at M+ dungeons and yeah for raid maybe useful with Abomination Limb at last boss.Only good thing about dk compare to paladin dps.Their cr cast is instant and dps paladin cr is not.But i still choice Retri paladin instead take dk.Because they have good aoe damage,and they are not tied to tank pull for making damage like frost dk,they can clean toxic,they have very good defensives and retribution aura or %3 damage reduction ( Dont know is still avaible for Retri or not ) . I dont know even remember other utilities.For tank paladin they are much better.Yes i hope they will do something about them but i doubt.Just keep sending ticket and they told me write on forums.Forums are lot of topic about them but not any staff member answering because probably they cant do rework without permit from their supervisor.All we can do is hope or unite against them for push them to rework.If you have any good idea i am in with you
Devs don’t think about that, they code is whatever designers tell them too. And it’s quite clear that whoever designed Death Knight left company a while ago, and nope they go to someone who cares for other class and go „when you are done with you’re beloved spec can you quickly go to death knight do sth to just make fit new expansion”
Death feels abandoned, just kept in the game with no real interest from designers.
Quite sure hero talents are going to look exactly the same as everything else for death knight for last expansion. Just some amplified version of out-dated, bugged and annoying gameplay.
I think they did a sneaky fix on that, which wasn’t documented anywhere (afaik). This week with sanguine I was surprised to see it over Defile, as well as other floor spell animations.
Anyhow don’t let this detract from your original point, we need a serious rework. Like you said yourself, and many of us (like the 10 people that come to this forum) this spec is really outdated…
I’m trying out shaman atm as a potential main/alt for WW but I’d really wouldn’t want to switch.
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