Dps lf raiding guild

Warrior - Arms 603 ilvl finished palace normal.
Im looking for raiding guild hoping to raid heroic and possibility mythic.

MEN WANTED to our huge female community for Hazardous Journey. Small wages, bitter cold, long months of complete darkness, constant danger, safe return doubtful. Honor and recognition in case of success! Join SaveCowEatPanda discord.gg/hrzF4ru and more details on [A][H] Europe [SaveCowEatPanda] 2011 International Gaming Community

Hey there!
If you are still looking for a guild we’d be happy to have you.
We’re a fresh new guild looking to recruit members to get into raiding and other shenanigans. While we’re new we are already growing and looking to get started with some boss killing in not too long.
I’ll leave my forum post here and if you’re interested you can take a gander. Thank you