DPS paladin rework suggestion

Something I rly miss, is using the potential of the Seals, and Judgements. The seal you put on determinate your current playstyle, but with the different updates we have had, you are “forced” to use one of them – depending on equipped gear/runes. Twisting makes use of several seals but is more like a chaotic fast paced rotation based on a swingtimer addon. I know many ppl loves twisting, but my guess is that the majority of the casual players, including myself as a causal hardcore-parser (if that is something), would find this playstyle awkward, and basically just not fun. The 6P T1 set would furthermore completely alter the playstyle and divide players. The ones who have it – and the ones who don’t have it. I know it has not been tested yet, so we cant say much about it, but I still would like to see a different turn to the class than - twisting/ 6P extension to twisting. And is rly a good idea to base a complete playstyle on gear? Gear should improve a playstyle, not create one.

The main part of my suggestion is based upon building some form of stacks or “combo points” or something to improve the seals:
DS, CS, Exo, ect ect, apply stacks upon a target. Max stacks = say 5. Using DS,CS,Exo, ect ect, after reaching 5 stacks, puts the stack back to 1. (so be carefull to not cast another “building spell” after 5th stack)

If a target with 5 stacks is Judged (SoC, SoM, SoR – with any judge) the target takes damage equal to the normal effect of the judgement BUT you gain a buff, “Improved Seal” or something like that, for 12 seconds.
This buff has an improving effect on the next seal you put on for the next 12 seconds. DS,CS,Exo will not build new stacks until the buff expire.

Improved Seals:
SoC: 100% chance to get an extra swing + 100% wep damage (increased from 70%)
SoM: Increased attack speed based on your current target missing HP. Target HP 10% =100% speed. Target HP 90% = 10% speed. (scaling)
SoR: Apply a delayed damage effect based on the number of normal attacks. Target takes the damage multiplied by the number of attacks when Improved Seal expire.

The way I see it, something like this would turn our whole toolkit online. All the filler spells build stacks. SoC for BIG damage in the start of a fight. Change to SoM later in the fight for FAST damage and fasters exo’s with AoW, and loads of mana for the raid/party/grp. SoR would probably be a rly nice way to go for tanks and shockadins, favoring fast 1H weps, for more hits = more dmg after 12 sec.
Martyrdom should also be un-normalized, if its not already? for this to be a more paladin-like playstyle, and not run around with the 2 wepons ingame with 2sec speed.

You might love or hate this suggestion, but I know many ppl, including myself, is not rly stoked about the way its going atm with twisting/6P T1 extended twisting, beeing the “main” utility. Also, implementing the 6P T1 would limit the next Tier sets; what happens with 6P T2? combine 3 seals? :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t like that they enabled Seal Twisting because it means that they have to balance Paladins around it.
I know some loud people are fan of it, but it’s just not something I enjoy.

If you ask any Vanilla Developer they will say Twisting was a unintended bug and would have been fixed if they were more aware of it.

Adding my 2 cents to this thread. Seal Twisting is absolute garbage brain dead gameplay. Give us back the old exo spam playstyle or literally anything else other than this trash.