DPS Warrior LF Raiding guild


I am looking for a raiding guild to play with for the rest of the War Within expansion.

It would be great to get a guild focusing on mythic raiding while also having fun with all the raiding buddies. I can raid all days but two days a week is preferred (3 with mythic progress).

I was most active on classic within Naxxramas and Ulduar before real life took over. However, I have much better management of it now.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me about my experience and logs!

Discord: .zypx

Thank you!

Hi Zypx, are you still looking? I’d be interested in having a chat about your previous experience and the sort of home you are looking for to settle in. Asta#2730 if you fancy a chat.

New semi-hardcore progressing English speaking raiding/M+ guild with friendly and fun atmosphere looking for active players to join our roaster. Progress 8/8 heroic , 2/8 Mythic .RT 20:00 ST raid days : Monday,Wednesday and Friday . DM on discord fluffyfang for more info !