Dps warrior P4 PTR feedback

I will mainly talk about DW Fury, because 2H, in my opinion, has complete gameplay.
As we all know that the warrior has one of the best scaling in the game. Some from WB, some from buffs/debuffs, some just from gear. More rage = more damage = more rage and so on ad infinitum.
Most people love this class because, under ideal conditions, you can mash buttons non-stop for fun gameplay (and high numbers, too). Having lost WB or not having all sorts of buffs/debuffs, a warrior turns into a boring tin can with zero APM. When you find yourself in this situation with other classes, you are simply upset that your effectiveness in terms of damage has dropped. In the case of a warrior, you simply don’t want to play, because in addition to damage, you lose that very fun gameplay.
Attaching my WCL page, nothing special, but in case if someone has questions within my competence https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/character/eu/living-flame/kroyfell

In my opinion, there are two ways to solve this problem - normalizing rage (not the best), or creating a situation in which a PvE warrior will initially have such an amount of rage that it is almost impossible to spend, for example, with the help of runes (with which now, by the way, a lot of problems).
Most runes gave us damage modifiers in one form or another. It was cool in terms of damage and how the warrior functions, but boring in terms of an RPG. Over 20 years of game progression, the warrior had dozens of interesting abilities, and instead of the destroyed ones (some of the runes in p4 were actually destroyed), it would be possible to give them, not 10 ways that will put you into Enrage (just for what, lol?)
New T1 bonus is worth special attention. Many people (including me) simply think that it is not suitable for DW fury and simply breaks its gameplay. Stance dance is not what you want to do in this specialization.

Now I want to go through all the runes

  • Taste of blood - great rune for arms, useless in DW
  • Vigilance - hard to imagine its use in reality; most tanks will choose a different option. It might be worth replacing it with some kind of rune for DW fury, I don’t want to play the 2nd phase in a row without a rune in my helmet. How about increased rage on critical hits when using DW or something that just increases the amount of rage we get?
  • Shield Mastery - classic choice for a tank/gladiator


  • Flaggelation - rest in peace, after the rework it is now a tank rune in 99% of situations
  • Blood Frenzy - good change, but the damage is still too low and the rune as a whole has little effect on the gameplay, I think the additional rage for ticks should have been left as before
  • Raging blow - classic DW fury button, but its numbers are disappointing; you only want to press it if there is nothing else to press. It might be worth making it generate a certain amount of rage (30-40?) or generally replacing it with a passive rage generator like Annihilator on retail
  • Warbringer - mostly PvP, no comments

All 3 options are really good for different builds, these are the only runes that you don’t want to change


  • Furious Thunder - classic tank rune, the damage is not impressive, you need AP scaling like you did with Blood frenzy. To make you want to press it not only in situations with a large number of mobs, you should add Rend as an additional effect after using like Blood and Thunder
  • Consumed by rage - completely dead and useless rune at the moment. All this gives is the ability to use Raging blow, which you don’t want to press. In addition to this, we already have two (three with Wrecking Crew) options to enter the Enrage state. Something needs to be done with this rune 100%. If you don’t want to introduce an active ability instead, just give something focused on gaining additional rage, such as increased attack speed after reaching a certain level of rage
  • Frenzied Assault - classic 2H rune, which, in my opinion, can be added % to to equalize DW and 2H builds

Three of the 4 runes are quality of life for different situations. The gladiator’s rune should be made into a baseline so that the gladiator has additional utility.


  • Rampage - I don’t like this ability as a buff to attack power, especially in the current situation where in a 2-minute battle it looks faded, and in a 30s battle it’s another “why are warriors so strong and do 4k DPS on the boss?” Give us an active Rampage that deals decent damage that you want to use, and not as is the case with raging blow
  • Swoard and Board - rune for tanks, rarely used, you can work with numbers
  • Wrecking crew - an obvious passive rune, just to have it. Not bad and not good


  • Victory rush - thanks for the up to 30%, now mobs of my level don’t kill me if I attack three enemies in a row
  • Endless rage - one of those runes that helps a warrior not be complete garbage in the absence of buffs and debuffs; I liked it even before the release of the first phase. No alternative for DW
  • Devastate - great tank rune
  • Single-minded Fury - press F, I will use it if I want to run around the open world without a mount, KEKW. Really a good change, it’s better to play with an extra rage modifier than a simple +damage modifier.
  • Quick strike - rune for 2H, just an additional button for spending rage, now rarely used. Perhaps up will make her stronger?

New Back:

  • Shockwave - great new ability for a tank in dungeons, the damage is not impressive but it’s better than nothing
  • Sudden Death - cool animation, a good rune, but with its own problems. With the current rage generation system, I would prefer it to be a completely free use, doing its minimum damage and not wasting any rage. You play your cycle of heroic strike, bloodthrist, whirlwind, everything is cool. You get the Sudden Death effect, everything becomes even cooler, deal a huge amount of damage to the target if you have a lot of rage. And that’s it, your cycle is over for the next few basic attacks, you simply have nothing to press because all the rage was spent on the execute. This is cool for 20% of the boss when you press execution after execution, but in a normal situation in the middle of a fight this is not what DW should have in my opinion
  • Fresh Meat - another modifier, you removed old modifiers to add a new one, and also with a bunch of RNG, this is not good. Vicious Contempt maybe? So that bloodthrist would be beneficial to use during execution?

To summarize this lengthy review, I want to convey my main idea - give us baseline so much rage that it is difficult to waste it. This will be simply enjoyable gameplay, and will also partially eliminate the problem of overscaling the warrior from WB, good equipment and class tuning in the future. The ideal would also be to add damage auras in PvE content (for example, only in a raid) for each individual class/specialization, as is done in the retail version of the game, but I am not a developer and I assume that this is not easy to do.
If any of the US players have thoughts similar to mine, I would like to ask someone to publish this message on the US forum, because as we know, developers mainly listen to opinions there, and I do not have the opportunity to create topics there, because I use EU account. Thanks for reading, make warriors great again!

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