Draconic to Coreforged. Why not both ways?

This is not even possible on retail what sod have lol. On retail when one tier pass u need new one tier u cant have new and old tier with same quality of upgrade.

That dont means u dont need to play game to obtain gear right lol
U were gived 2 version of tiers and now want to get one for free because cant be bothered to play a game.

If this is what you understood please don’t bother respond any further and ridicule yourself.

SoD is a seasonal server, phases don’t last that long. Coreforged gives no warning it cannot be undone unlike Draconic.

Current issue is some class discords and sims had wrong info for a time until it got fixed and had Coreforged simming better or about same than Draconic, so some people went with that and that choice cannot be undone, it would be able to be undone had they chose the other way around tho.

Farming another Tier for your OS is fine, for example as tank for dps tier, or dps for healer tier.

But as a DPS for another DPS rotation not even spec? No that’s bs when it can already be done 1 way.

On the contrary I want to play the game hence why asking for both ways. Otherwise I’m not gonna “bother to play a game” as u said so, if they keep making bad choice such as this.

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The above reply sums up the case very well.

In my hunters raid group there are still ppl who need the tokens for MS and thus I am obviously not allowed to take the same tokens a 2nd time for MS. Sure I might collect them in time for next phase but I will loose any possibility of parsing more than average in the current phase.

okay but now add on the cost of the enchant you will lose on top.
depending on the item slot, this is a lot of money.

+4 stats on your chest? well good luck getting rinsed by the only enchanter with that recipe on the server for your new draconic/coreforged chest piece, and then add on the cost for the outrageous amount of mats required for it.
+24 healing on your bracer? well that’s 100g up front for the swap, plus the price of 6 living essences, 4 greater eternal essences, 20 illusion dusts and 2 large brilliant shards for your new enchant.
+9 strength on bracer? 100g + 6 greater eternal essences and a few dusts.

lets say you were planning to swap a whole set of gear from coreforged to draconic all at once.
that would easily be close to, if not more, than 1000g.

that ain’t cheap son, that’s expensive.

by the way, this is one of the reasons i always say “don’t follow bis lists and sims blindly”.
people choose to ignore this advice because they don’t like thinking for themselves, and then pulls a surprised pikachu when it turns out the sims were wrong.

this has been going on throughout all of SOD, and people still say “but the sims say…” to use as an argument during loot disputes.

i flat out dismiss it every time because i don’t trust sims anymore.
there’s a higher likelihood that they are wrong, than right.

so when the sims say i.e t1 set (yes the actual t1 pieces) is “better dps” over t2, i just shake my head because obviously that’s not going to be the case.
there is SOMETHING in those sims that are flat out unaccounted for, or just done incorrectly.

my own class discord have a monthly, if not weekly “oh sorry guys, whoops, turns out sims didn’t take A or B into account so this was actually wrong all along”-post.

i haven’t indulged in sims for many phases now, but i remember in phase 3, when enhancement shaman was peaking, that people put a green mace as the BIS for the class and said “iTs WhaT SiMs The BEsT”

first thing i did was say “that’s wrong, this axe from zul’farrak is better, and here is why”
turns out i was right about that in the end.
but it was an uphill battle trying to convince people because they trust some flawed AI simulation program more than objective analyzation from a person who played the class for 20 years.

in the end, i provided video evidence after doing about an hour of personal testing on target dummies in shimmering flats, and that seems to have done the trick, but then the goal post was moved to “yea ok, but how often are you gonna get a lucky streak of procs? lets consult the sims” like ok bro, use the terribad mace then, lmao.

the primary reason for it, was that the axe from zf can proc a wound for some flat damage, this wound proc can crit (if memory serves) and it counts as a melee attack, which means it can proc WF and WF can proc it in return AND THE SIMS DID NOT TAKE THAT INTO ACCOUNT.
this is of course besides the fact that it happens to be an axe which is basically always better than a mace, if you are an orc.

0.10 slower attack speed does not beat that.
its a no-brainer.
but ThE SiMS SaiD remember?

sims and bis list are guidelines, nothing more.
their existence does not mean you can just turn your brain off and follow whatever they say blindly, because at the end of the day, these are both products made by other people, and people have a tendency to be wrong about things, and this is often reflected in simming programs that aren’t serving their purpose as intended.

you can run a simulation vs. another simulation a million times, heck make it 5 million times, and they will give incorrect results every one of those millions of simulations if it is not perfected to a T and take everything and anything into account when basing its results on its testing.

So if you dont trust the sims or follow the bis list and test it out for yourself cause you enjoy thinking for yourself.

You test draconic, you test core forged. You find out draconic was best.


well yeah pretty much.

the option to test out both for yourself and not be punished for doing so due to the swapping being one-way only, is something i highly endorse.

i don’t know what made them think this was an even remotely good idea.

that being said, a minor punishment such as having to re-enchant the item every time you swap, seems like it would be enough to disincentivize flippantly swapping back and forth on a whim, all the time.

heck, even that would only be a minor issue in my opinion, because they’re sanctioning that sort of thing with dual specs and even respec costs being lowered to nothing, but if nothing else it serves as a valuable and much needed gold sink that helps keep the economy in check.

Well, min maxing shouldent be cheap grandpa

but… that’s what im saying tho.
its not cheap :smiley:
1k gold to swap from coreforged to draconic assuming you want full enchants?

ya bro, that is not “cheap” unless you are a blatant goldbuying cheater who just swipes.

Sweatty tryhards gone keep swiping their dads mastercard :grin:

Now would be a good time to slip in this possibility amidst all the other changes - come on devs :slight_smile:

I currently have 6 pieces of coreforged, but next phase im going to need draconic. I’d much rather be able to trade my CF for Draconic than take more T2 from guildies that want OS pieces.

Come on blizz pls, got 6pc coreforged and bis will probably be 4 pc draconic next phase…