Draconic to Coreforged. Why not both ways?

So basically, on top of farming for your OS now you need to also farm for different tier bonus.

Some specs not worth dropping the Tier 1 6p until they get all pieces of Draconic T2 to do the swap. However this leaves such a sour taste in mouth that you finally get a tier item, and you simply can’t use it until you acquire all pieces.

Would feel more rewarding if I could keep using said Tier 2 with the Coreforged option so I don’t drop the tier bonus but get the different gear stats. And then when finally ready to do the swap I can exchange everything back to Draconic.

The way it is designed now it’s rather punishing if you did the mistake of purchasing coreforged without knowing you can’t go back.

Or you decide that you wanna change a bit the way your spec plays and wanna try the other “Tier bonus”. But no, you have to re-grind the whole thing.

Well done Blizz, yet another failure in SoD.


How is this not the same in all versions of wow since vanilla? You get full tier? Great! Oh a new raid comes out with a new tier set. You receive a part of the set? Aww you no longer have the old bonus.

It’s literally something that is still present in retail even.


This is SoD, completely different version of the pre existing game. Their goal was to make it more accessible and alt friendly but next phase they do some sort of bs like this one and goes to hell. Also a warning when trading Draconic to Coreforged would also save people save time, that said change is irreversible

Also no, that isn’t on retail. You need one tier and it swaps according to your specialization.

As for SoD it’s literally Tier 2 with set bonuses of your choosing, so don’t come here saying this has always been the case in all version of wow since vanilla. This is a testing ground.

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Could be awesome, if you could change it both ways. You do make a sacrifice if you want to switch, since you lose all your enchants :slight_smile:

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Yea, both ways! Doeit

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I’d be very much in favor of turning coreforged back to draconic. :+1: :+1: :+1:

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Im using coreforged t2 with t1 that has the same setbonus 6/8. And 2/8 draconic. So I didnt have to really replace anything except my last 2 of t1 which i didnt get any set bonus for anyway so i replaced em with draconic.

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That’s nice but this isn’t the threads topic :sweat_smile:

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I say put a modest fee to it and have the item lose any enchants as a cost. This way people can experiment with set bonuses and see what suits them best.

(I know sims exist but most encounters rarely play out like a sim scenario)

I’d like to try the draconic t2set but I just like coreforged more. As it is now I’d have to get an entire new draconic resto set put together to try that out. Why not just let us turn coreforged back into draconic and not lug around even more gear.

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Agree, considering it’s a seasonal server and its much more fast paced, there is simply not enough time to grind a 2nd one before the new content comes out, assuming u dont wanna grind a 2nd one for your OS already.

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Agreed, it loose enchant and perhaps cost something to persuade Nefrendius to change it back, some gold or other worth material. Would be cool.

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Not a bad idea, maybe those Fireland Embers from the BRM event would be thematically a good candidate as an extra material to make it swap back.

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I agree! It should be a two way trade!


Yeah please add a way to exchange both ways. With new content ppl are still exploring every angle and along the way mistakes and misconceptions arise leading to poorly guided choices beeing made.

Hunter Core Forged beeing an example. Unfortunately the numbers for the Draconic 6 set bonus was not correct in the sim tool that majority of the community is using leading to alot of ppl believing core forged 6 set bonus was about the same in dps output. Now it turns out the difference is substantial and you have to get alot of set pieces again if you want to min/max properly. All of this while ppl actually thought they had done some kind of actual research before making the choice.

I can imagine there are similar examples from other classes seeing as the road is sometimes paved as we go when we discover new content.

Please add exchange both ways as a possibility asap.


Yeah, Shadow Priests had a similar case where sim was broken and draconic vs coreforged was simming only 30 dps difference, turns out draconic is 250+ dps ahead.

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I was just playing around, picking up some tier pieces and in order to use them I converted them to Core Forged, then I realized that there was no option turning them back and I realized how messed I am and instead of being happy with my full t2 i’m very sad with my wrong but the same looking gear. Thank you! (Sorry for my bad english.)

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yeah that should be an option even if it cost 100g per piece to change it.

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100g is almost nothing in SoD, way to cheap imo


Please let us have this before p6 arrives! :slight_smile:

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Blizzard please! No need to be stubborn about this!

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