Dracthyr and Argent Crusaders

I was doing argent crusade content on my Evoker and I wanted to unlock tournament dailies.
After I did aspirant quests there were no further quests available. While the next step meant for you to choose a faction to represent, nothing was there for my character.
I am well aware evokers didn’t exist during wrath BUT so many races that were added from Cata to BFA do have that questchain in full.

It will be wonderful if the developer team can give Evokers the same treatment regarding this questchain, so people who are starting to play WoW on this race can experience everything that this game has to offer.


I can confirm that this has been an issue for awhile. I did it fairly early on after Evokers came out and got stuck at the very same part.

I’ve been checking in every patch hoping a fix would come in but so far nothing. I believe it’s suppose to default you to Stormwind or Orgrimmar if you’re a race that was not around in wotlk.

I currently have a ticket for it in. Been months, and I also have another problem related to getting the Underlight Angler. If I can remember I’ll update here how it went once the ticket has been answered,

Posting an update. After making a ticket a GM was able to unlock the next part. Now doing the valiant daily quests for Stormwind.

Hopefully a proper fix will come some day. But until then making a ticket is all you can do for now.

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