Dracthyr Druid

You put the definition of primitive there and still don’t understand it? :sweat_smile:
It is self-evident that pre-industrial and illiterate are not synonymous with shamanism, a shaman can be in a heavily industrialised society in case you’ve never seen a dwarf, and in case you also didn’t know, Zekhan, who is a shaman, is the literate narrator of an entire book by steve cocainuser. A primitive society, such as humans before the founding of the human kingdoms were NEVER in tune with the elements or spirits. But continue to spread your white chauvism and colonialisation myths if you want!

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I was talking about real life, not WOW.

Primitive societies are more align with shamanism and rely on that more, and not technology as we know it.

Sure they may embrace technology in otherways, like how the pyramids are built and are perfectly alligned with the stars, which is still a mystery in modern world. But is generally far inferior of technology of the modern world.

And again, the third time you still don’t know what primitive means :smiley:
Read the definition you sent again, you are associating tribal culture and shamanistic practices with Primitivism, when Primitivism means as YOU stated “a person belonging to a preliterate, non-industrial society”. This can include any number of societies living in subsistence and are by definition pre-industrialised and illiterate. Unless you think that all the peasants of medieval England were literate and worked in factories before the revolution even began? They never practised shamanism. So for the fourth time, try and understand the definition. Essentially you are just conflating “other coloured people” with different traditions to white culture with “ooga booga rain dance”. Clearly you are extreme far-right

so, for dracthyr druid forms:

Rockfang as Cat form. they come in various colors, and they are kind of a cat, so i think this one is a good example

as bear forms we have ice bears around the dragon isles, thought im not sure about this one…
at least these are the 2 i love.
but i would like alot a glyph for flying for to turn you into


I don’t know, I just don’t get it. Why would a firebreathing dragon want to turn into a smaller, weaker and more easily dispatchable animal? Also they are literally incapable of using their visage form to turn into anything other than a poorly disguised human or elf, so how would they polymorph into a cat? Not that I wouldn’t want to have the option


i mean. yeah, it does make a point. mby in future where they learn to have more abilityes ofc, but in the end preservation uses the green dragonflight magic, aka nature magic. and it makes more sense that other combos i’ve heard like undead druid.

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It doesn’t necissarily have to make you weaker, just a different fighting style, feral druids in this scenario fight more ferorcious and aggressive than evoker, i whould argue and say a catform is about the same size if not larger than a Dracthyr.

I assume those that can transform into other forms than thier visage form are those that have walked a different path and not the traditonal evoker one. The dracthyr druids studied druidism as they are closeily tide with the emerald dream.

or, they just use more magic of the Green dragonflight.

Druids are more specialised in the area, they devout thier entire life to nature. Whilst an evoker is half good at all the aspects i whould argue.

there could be some dracthyrs that during the xpac focus on 1 dragonflight magic and then learn to use those powers fully.

Upvoting just for the duck!

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there’s a little something for everyone!
plus i think there should be all the colors in different glyphs, but they all are crafted with same mats

Black & red


Green & Brown


Yellow & gold

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Dont forgett Gnome warriors:p


Well, then they are considered druids.

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They dont look particularly dragonlike lol, cute duck still.

i mean, the first one could make sense, they could use animal forms that look like creatures of the dragon isles. The duck… yes, that’s a wish i have for a new flyght form that would be cute

The first one looks more like a mammal than a reptile I have to say. Looks more like something a vulpera whould transform into.

Please no, don’t make me think about that.

A vulpera druid is not a bad idea, now that i think of it. Thanks :slight_smile:

it would be awfull tbf…