Hey folks, I was just wondering why do we have mog restrictions on the Dracthyr dragon form?. I was looking around and can’t seem to find an answer.
I find it strange aswell. Especially since they are humanoid looking. Could understand it if it were a 4 legged dragon.
Cloaks and weapons could be invisible because of wings. Everything else should have the option to be visible.
Oh, and different mogs for visage form and dragon form would be nice too…
Just look at the model and there’s your answer.
From spikes to wings to claws; lots of things get in the way of regular transmog.
But at the least the teir set could be made to fit them you would think
Yup it has been setup in a VERY strange way…
Either we ruin our Visage form by “unMOGing” our belt/shoulder, or we MOG our Visage form and just accept that the Dragon form is now clipping into our MOG… ??
It’s as if they couldn’t decide on one thing, and decided to let both shapeshift forms get ruined.
Either remove ALL MOG from the Dragon form (which I think is the best option), or allow us to do combat in Visage form so we don’t need to worry too much about the dragon form clipping.
Exactly. It’s been setup in a rather unusual way. I don’t get it.
I disagree honestly. If we take undead for example they managed to do it for them, their bones pertrude through their back, arms, knees, feet, and hands. The rigging for Dracthyr is very similar to Worgen female.
There’s also a bug where sometimes when switching to Dracthyr I’ve been wearing the gloves, boots and chest piece from my human form. Not sure how to replicate it.
Because of its leg shapes added spikes and wings.
It clip like hell likely
Silly question, easy answer.
Lazy developers
Erm, that is not a good reasoning. Look at worgen…works just fine, minus the wings.
Other beastly reaces liek tauren, vulpera, trolls have some parts that deform certain armor peaces…yet Blizzard made it work for them…and always adjust it with every new armor peace released with every update.
You know what’s stupid? Them spending large amount of time and resources on drakthyr racial features and some pointless cosmetic armor, when they could have instead adjusted existing in game armor to fit them instead…just like they did with others.
Even the spikes are a non-issue, assets like that get covered by armor anyway, like when hair disappears with certain head peaces.
But the guy who worked on evokers - Graham - recently made it clear that they wanted to make drakthyr ‘‘unique’’ in appearance, to stand out…they made armor invisible not because they couldn’t adjust for wings, spines, horns and everything else…they did it by choice and that’s what pisses me off - when Blizz thinks something is better than what the players actually want. You should never restrict players, especially in character customization. and ESPECIALLY transmogg in a game where gear/transmogg defines a character.
The problem building a new race is:
There are two armor models for every individual race.
When they implement a new race they need to remodel every single piece of armor twice for the new body. That effort makes it quite difficult to really create a new race. That’s why the allied races are merely retextured existing races as well as the dracthyr visage.
With every expansion you get more new armor pieces which need to be applied to all races. And with every new race you get more effort to make the new armor pieces for all the races. That’s why they didn’t make the armor moggable on the dragonform.
Create a bunch of new sets just for one race? That seems hardly worth the effort.
I believe people underestimate the effort that goes into fitting armor to a new body.
Don’t get me wrong, I would love it if Drachtyr could wear everything but we have to be realistic here.
Transmog is a huge part of this game now. Even the developers know that. Is fitting armor to a new race a lot of work? Maybe. Is it worth it? Yes.
People also want to play dracthyr with other classes some day. Should that happen that’s another reason to give almost full transmog to the Dracthyr in their Dracthyr form.
The one exception I see is probably the back slot because of the wings. I think living with it only being visible visage is fine. Sure the Dracthyr have a lot of twists, bends and different proportions. But look at tauren, worgen, draenei, etc etc. It’s doable.
Dracthyr have a huge amount of customization choices. But the armor? That is going to get stale fairly quickly. Giving them full transmog would be far better then giving them odd new armor pieces every now and then.
Remember the druids had this issue for a long time, and still do to some extent. That they never saw their armor because of the forms. Resto is free from it now, moonkin has the glyph. Not to mention mechanognomes. While the idea is cool, the execution is… yeah.
For now, it’s nothing to stress about. But at some point I believe they really should add full transmog to the Dracthyr form.
I would have been happier if they just made the visage form/dragon form a toggle that does not change upon entering combat. That way they could have simply re-used the human/blood elf model for fitting gear with no extra work required and just have the Dragon form appear “naked” like they do with Demon Hunters. Use the dragon form for select few Dragon spells only if need be so you don’t have a firebreathing human flying around.
This half-and-half arrangement we have currently is not it.
I do agree with this.
That’s why I think transmog restrictions based on armor type should be dropped.
Only things that should be restricted imo is specific class sets.
Because reasons.
I managed to find some Firelands shoulders that look good with the red variant of the barber armour (armory ist not updated yet though), but there are not many older transmog pieces that match the colours of the Dracthyr stuff, sadly.
Definitely. There are already armor sets, especially from shadowlands covenants that have no armor type and can be used on all classes. Clearly the restriction on transmogg no longer has justification and i don’t see anyone giving a damn if a warrior looks like wearing a robe or a mage looking like a warrior in full plate, who cares about any of that at this time and age.
Just let everyone transmogg whatever they want and move on with it.
Obviously i need transmoggs enabled on Drakthyr first
, Ofc while keeping visage and drakthyr appearances separate as an option for those who want it.
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