A toggle would be the best option of course, but as it stands it seems inconsistent as to whose is displayed and whose isn’t, even when using the same appearance for it. It really seems like a bug.
ok so it seems like your weapon on the back only shows if you have hidden shoulders, my 1h sword showed up after going with hidden shoulders.
so if you don’t want that staff on your back then just keep shoulders.
Oh my god, you’re right. I don’t like having shoulders showing usually and I normally have them as hidden, but yeah if I transmog any shoulder piece the staff disappears. I hope they fix this.
my drac has shoulders hidden and still dosn’t show… Mhh.
there are some other models that can hide weapons aswell, try hiding everything possible and then going into lizzard form
Maybe it is a bug
But I think it would had been nice to have the OPTION to toggle it off or on.
Wait, Dracthyrs have a Lizzard form? bcs AFAIK they have a dracthyr form and Visage form.
lets be realistic, its a lizard with wings.
Like what? I’ve been wearing the same transmog as before the patch and it never showed the weapon.
Encountering the same issue and it’s a wild one.
Basically all of my old mogs don’t show staff – all shoulders hidden.
I created a new set with the new white armor piece and suddenly my staff is clipping so badly through wings in Dracthyr form.
I made another set without the white piece and all mail – the staff doesn’t show.
So what the heck is going on D: I really like the set I made as it’s elegant, but the staff showing is RUINING IT!
So I figured out how to unbug it.
I ticked ‘transmog each shoulder piece separately’ and then I hid BOTH shoulders. Now staff no longer shows in my Dracthyr form! \o/
OH MY GOD I’m gonna try that asap, thank you!
Also, a quick note, the belt showing or being hidden also influences it. Hidden belt and hidden shoulders makes the staves show up. Either being shown will also make it go away.
I’m offended by these changes.
By the way, I’m the best looking Dracthyr on this thread.
Narrator: It was contagious.
The apparent solution as offered by someone on the US forum:
If your shoulders are hidden it will show your 2hander. Just transmog shoulders. If you want no shoulders, find a pair like herod’s that have only one pauldron, and then hide that one side while keeping the other transmogged.
I’ve edited the original post, you can check Transmog Shoulders separately and hide both of them, that is also no shoulders but still hides the staff. Alternatively you can transmog any waist appearance.
weird thought, i have my shoulders hidden always and the 2h weapons don’t show.
Until today that was the case for me as well. Then I changed my outfit at the transmoggers’ and boom, permanently visible weapon.
Do you have a belt appearance or is your waist also hidden? If you have one then the weapon will be hidden.
Yeah not a fan of this either. The clipping is very immersion breaking.
i only have the belt. Waists do not show on dracthyrs.
That’s why the weapon is hidden for you then. If you transmog the belt as Hidden the weapon will show.
There is a workaround, please check the edit in the original post ^-^