EDIT: Workaround found by Makhael, thank you very much! Check the option “Transmog Each Shoulder Separately” and set them both to hidden, this will get rid of the staff.
Also, the staff seems to show up when you have both shoulders and waist transmogs set to “Hidden”, transmogging either or both of them to any appearance at all will also remove the staff.
Heyo! Just noticed that Dracthyr will now show back sheathed weapon like staves. Is there a way to disable this? The staff clips through my wings and it sits in a very odd place/way, would like to have it as it was before today’s patch.
I can’t try 1h weapons since I have a staff equipped and can’t transmog 1h weapons. Also, what’re the challenge more weapons?
I understand some people may want this, I’d like the choice to select which one we want. Otherwise though, not showing them is the superior alternative in my opinion.
I do hope it’s not contagious. It does look pretty janky though, so I would submit a bug report and pray the first sweep of 10.5 patch fixes catches it.
Yeah just seen another Evoker, Devastation spec in a dungeon and their staff did not show, but they said they could see my staff in Dragon form, this seems inconsistent and I have no idea what’s causing it.
My staff doesn’t show? But I did notice another Drac’s 2h sword was showing on their back. I wouldn’t mind having my staff show tbh… can we get a toggle option for this?