Draenei Death Knight

Good afternoon,

I really want to roll a Draenei Death Knight. I have had mixed input in regards to lore. Could a young Draenei warrior have fallen to be raised whilst fighting the Scourge?

Certainly, though it would mean that they have probably spent very little time on Azeroth before getting killed and raised, as they arrived to Azeroth only a few years (I think it was two years?) earlier. This would mean that they were likely to have been a great warrior on either Argus or in the Outland campaign, Iā€™d assume.

Thank you for the reply. I was thinking she was not so good a, warrior, but in the moment of inevitable defeat (her comrades dead and dying all around her) she found a spark within her to fight like a woman possessed cutting a, swathe until being ultimately felled (and catching the eye of one of the Lich Kings Death Knights).

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I donā€™t like criticizing, but I think perhaps you might want to consider changing that a little bit.

I believe the Lich Kingā€™s officers were experienced enough in battle to tell the difference between a lucky break and proper fighting skills.

Iā€™m not saying your DDK should be a blademaster or elite combatant, but maybe for example she had some basic training, learned some efficient moves, and put these to excellent use when faced with deadly opposition just befor her deathā€¦?

My point is, it would seem strange to me if she had no fighting skills, but just suddenly out of nowhere became a force to be reckoned with.

Maybe she had basic training, and then never actually used those skills until that fatal fight?

Oh absolutely, a mediocre warrior, but trained of course. Her final stand was fear, courage and luck. Her fear she turned to rage perhaps allowing her skill to come bare?

Now free of the Lich King she fights with a fervor, no longer afraid to let her blade go to work.

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while i deleted my draenai death knight his story while a tad streched from lore wasnt quesetoned much.

To simple it down Vorend was a skilled warrior who had faught the legion on Argus and the orc on drenor but when the exodar came crashing down on Azeroth he led others to a escape pod beleveing the exodar would be destroyed in the crash.
Unfortunatly as the pod left the ship it was struck by falling parts from the ship, and was sent hurdling offcourse landing in a northern continent.
After landing in the Sholazar Basin almost a third of the pods ocupients had died in the crash, Vorend survived but was wounded, with no idea where they were a survivor had seen a large building to the east when they crashed, hoping that they would find help the group set off over the mountin.
But after days of travel what they found was no help but damnation almost upon imedatly entering the area known as icecrown they were attacked by monsters.
Vorund as one of the few capable figthers tried to fight them off but he had still not fully healed and after slaying 6 or 7 of the dead was struck in the back, as he lay dying he watched in horror as the dead ravaged the helpless survivors.

While death should have brought him solice his fight caught the attention of the litch king and the part of nerzul curious of how and where the draenai came from, had their bodys brought back knowing them to be capable figthers the litch king had Vorend raised to serve.

I Hope this little bit helps so my character when being raised whould know little of azeroth but its likly the scorge would have teached him what he needed to know.

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