Draenei Paladin needs help to get started again

I just starten to level up my Alt Draenei Paladin. Not played het for years and my memory of this Alt was that it was fun to play with her. Now I can’t make her work at all. She dies superfast of she try to fight more than one. Can someone hela me how to get the Talents right and help me with a good working rotation. This problem makes me give her up, and that feels sad because she is at lvl 100 now.
Hope someone can help me out.

I’m sure we can sort that out! Paladins are very solid choices, and not at all squishy. I think the problem is not your Paladin, but your zone.

I am going to guess that your Paladin is still in Draenor. Scaling is screwed up in Draenor such that questing is too hard for level 100s and 101s; mobs are scaled up too much. This will make you feel weaker than you are, insofar as being anything means anything in a sliding scaling system.

Unless you specifically want to stay in Draenor to finish up, I recommend you go back to Stormwind, where you will get the quest to move on to Legion, and the Broken Isles.

Here is Icy Veins’ basic guide to Ret paladin:

And I’m quoting the bits that are important for levelling:

Talent Choice for Retribution Paladins

The following talent choices result in damage output that is close to that of the most optimal talent choices, although the recommendations here lead to considerable ease-of-play.

Basic Rotation for Retribution Paladins

The single target rotation consists of Holy Power generators and Holy Power spenders.

  1. Cast Avenging Wrath Icon Avenging Wrath on cooldown.
  2. Generate Holy Power by using following priority.
  3. Cast Wake of Ashes Icon Wake of Ashes.
  4. Cast Blade of Justice Icon Blade of Justice.
  5. Cast Judgment Icon Judgment.
  6. Cast Crusader Strike Icon Crusader Strike.
  7. Spend Holy Power by casting Templar's Verdict Icon Templar’s Verdict once you are either at the 5 Holy Power cap, or when there are only Holy Power generators left that would over-cap your Holy Power.

When facing multiple enemies, you will be using mostly the same rotation as above, except that you should replace Templar's Verdict Icon Templar’s Verdict with Divine Storm Icon Divine Storm against 2 or more enemies.

I just looked at my own Paladin, and I am using
Crusader Strike on 1
Judgment on 2
Blade of Justice on 3
Wake of Ashes on 4
Templar’s Verdict on 5
Divine Storm on 6
Hammer of Justice (Stun) on 7
Rebuke (Interrupt) on 8
Word of Glory on Ctrl-2
Flash of Light on Ctrl-3
Lay on Hands (instant restore full health) Ctrl-5
Avenging Wrath Ctrl-7 (Maybe Ctrl-1 would be better for you)

I have Cavalier on a key I can hit very fast, in my case, the `` key to the left of the 1.

These are far from optimised key layouts, but they are the most important abilities. Most of the time, I am juggling 1,2,3,4. Then go to 5 or 6 when I have full Holy Power, depending on whether I have one target or many. You may well choose better keys for you, but make sure you have this set of abilities easily accessible.

Note: I take the Word of Glory talent rather than the Selfless Healer talent Icy Veins recommends.

You should also cast Greater Blessing of Kings on yourself every hour to keep up the shield.

With my Paladin, I always also maintain a Protection spec, and also keep a one-hand weapon and shield available to switch into it. I admit to a perverse weakness for going Prot when questing; it is SO satisfying to pull the whole zone and see them batter uselessly on me with no effect, and die at my feet BWA-HA-HA-HA! It’s actually not that much slower either, in cases where you have to kill a lot of mobs, because of the tank AoE.

If you need more help or clarification, please post again!

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Thanks for helping out. I have passed over to Legion now. I shall try your alternative but I must ask when you place at ctrl 1, ctrl 2 do you mean that you place them on the bottom left bar? (I,m a bit stupid to understand what you mean)

I saw now that Cavalier are passiv why then have a key to hit fast

Cavalier is passive. You are right.

It’s not Cavalier I have bound, it’s Divine Steed, your fast-move ability, which gets two charges when you take Cavalier.

As for the bars, here is my bar, showing only the main abilities:

and I get the Control-Keys like so with Esc to Menu->Key Bindings->Multi-Action Bar:

Now, I use Control as my main modifier key; it feels natural to me. A lot of people use Alt- or Shift instead.

I’m certainly not holding my keybinds up as the way it should be done. I know they are still beginnerish, but I’m used to them now, and not doing hard enough content to feel it worth changing. And I suspect they’re at least a step up on yours. :slight_smile:

P.S. Sorry, I see I didn’t remove the ability I currently have on Control-1 before taking the screenshot. You don’t have that yet, so ignore it. You might put Avenging Wrath there, perhaps.

Or, of course, you might use different keys altogether, that work better for you. It’s very much a matter of taste, and what your hands are ised to. But these are the critical abilities, however you lay them out.

Thanks again.
The one you have on ctrl 1 am I familiar with. Have in on my main a 120 lvl Hunter so I skip that. Do you use Hand of Reckoning at all?
I don’t use the the number keyboard when I play. For me it’s easier to use the mouse to click with. It’s maybe not the fastest way but it works for me.
When my children play they use the numberpad.

Yes, I do. Not really when levelling though, certainly as Ret. I’m not sure why you would need it. I removed all but the core attacks for that screenshot, and didn’t show other bars at all.

Ok Thanks for all help shall test this now and hope I’ll survive more :wink:

Well, if you do still have problems, post again.

You may find it hard to get through the quest to get your Artefact in Legion, you might die a time or two, but once you get past that, I hope thins improve. :smiley:

Thanks so very much. Now it working. I can fight down both 2,3 and 4 enemy’s and still live. This was amazing help. I was so close to delete her. Played her up 3 lvl yesterday and now heading for lvl 120.
I want to lvl up as many of my alt before Shadowlands.

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