I’m thinking about roleplaying a Draenei Shaman in Classic TBC, and in maybe a future Classic WoTLK, but I have a few questions.
What is the lore behind Draenei Shaman? Also are there any Shaman Draenei important characters (specifically in TBC)?
Shamanism is not a monolithic thing. Key element is interacting with the elements, but why/how - that might be race specific.
In case of the draenei shamans, there are not too many sources, since the main™ shaman happened not to be a draenei.
tl dr: shamanism of draenei is 1 step from holy magic; other than Nobundo very few draenei characters got any development over the years.
Nobundo (Exodar): The Light had not forsaken the Broken! The fel energies that the orcs had wielded long ago against the draenei had infused us, causing a break in our ability to be heard by, or perhaps to hear, the Light.
But our spirits were not broken, and the air offered to me another path, through which I might deliver my people. It taught me the path of shamanism, which in a way is just another facet of the Light .
Which fits the original draenei theme of them following the Light while escaping Argus, etc. It somewhat fits the Chronicles
The cataclysmic birth of the cosmos also flung shards of Light throughout reality. These shards suffused the matter of myriad worlds with the spark of life, giving rise to creatures of wondrous and terrible diversity.
The most common forms of life to appear were the elemental spirits—primordial beings of fire, water, earth, and air.
Visuals would’ve been similar to
Other than that, the usual sources would be the short story
You can talk to him in Exodar to get some interesting comments, and a little bit from the other shaman trainers. iirc with a special item you can see elemental spirits across Exodar.
Of course you can do (or read about) their class specific quests. And there are some extra lore bits in Outlands.
Indeed. Unbroken is one of the best stories behind Draenei Shamanism. It even implies that Ancient Eredar did practice it before Naaru came to Argus and bestowed Ata’mal Crystal to them which uplifted entire race expenentionaly.
A move that ultimately gave fuel to Sargeras in his bid to create the Burning Legion. Had not Naaru messed up with the Eredar, they wouldn’t reach such utopic societal level they had when Dark Titan discovered them.
And Burning Legion wouldn’t be made in the first place.
Even Velen saw great benefit in rediscovering Shamanism. An alternative to those Draenei that are not blindly bent on the Holy Light. I find great irony in the fact that it was Velen of all that saw through Naaru BS.
He who himself pledged his life to the Light was the reason why Draenei did not become blind zealots as we saw that happening in the Alternative Draenor where his counterpart died.
Shamanism was one of the ways that Draenei could follow. Mostly those that either lost connection to the Light by becoming Broken or simply lost faith in it after experiencing great losses.
I personaly find Shamanism as a safeguard and ideological diversity…opposition even in case if Light crazed Draenei might try to enforce some ridiculous policies.
This “morally grey” development for the Light is the thing of the Legion+ timeframe. Prior to that naaru were considered to be “angels of the Warcraft universe”. Scarlet Crusade were sabotaged by dreadlords, although they had their “investment” into defeating the scourge (SC NPCs were the ones giving t3 items to the players in Classic, just saying).