Draenor Alliance Reconnections

Hi guys,

Played human rogue ‘Backup’, bounced through a load of guilds throughout expansions but in classic was in Masters of the light.

Just started to play again after a break to get ready for classic, what server are you guys gona roll on?

Trigguh, Holy Paladin in The Shadowblade Clan. Recognise some of your names from back in the day! Crazy how memories come flooding back. Any other SBCers around?

Probably rolling Shazzrah in classic, but going horde.

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So, what server is everyone rolling to?

Recognize a few names here…

My main was a NE druid named Galaphile, think my first guild was “Hyborian Raiders” that then merged with “Guardian Angels” which later imploded and “Zelandonii” was created. Played up until somewhere in WotLK, then a break until a brief comeback in MoP (where I server transfered to follow the guild), followed by another break until my last comeback during Legion.

Having a wife, kids, work and all that grown up stuff these days, I reckon I might play quite casually so I’ll be going for one of the Normal servers in Classic.


Rumble! That takes me back, I loved running dungeons and Kara with you back in TBC, those were good times :slight_smile:

I was Balgair (human rogue) and Naomh (draenei priest) in Ivory Heart back in vanilla/TBC, moved to Horde in late TBC and been there ever since. And yet I still remember more people from my early Alliance days than the 10+ years since!


Oh hi!
I was in both those Guilds since the very start!
My main was Avatar, dwarf Paladin and
Fexia Night Elf Hunter.

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Hi, I had a Human Warrior named Clutch,
and a Dwarf Hunter named Cubedout.

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Hi all, I was in a guild called Pyre on Draenor in classic times, and then one or two of it’s successors but I can’t remember the guild names now. My character was Meia and I was one of the guild main warrior tanks in those days. And I had a druid called Misti. But even if I can’t find any old guildies happy to go play with people who are fun players. I’m looking for a social/raiding guild (not a hardcore 24/7 one).

I can certainly remember Spirit of Dawnsong, Ivory heart, and a few of the guilds I heard mentioned above, plus others like Chimaera. Wishing you all well.


I will be looking to play a human Paladin again with my original name (Berit). I have decided to create characters on Pyrewood Village PvE. Hope to see most of you there.

Kind regards

I managed to get onto Pyrewood Village and reserved my name:

Berit - human Paladin

See some of you soon I hope.

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Hey, I played a Human Paladin called Murrayman. Would love to see some old PvP buddies or folks from Immortal.

We gonna see LOWAR etc. Return?

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Hey Avatar, I remember you. How’ve you been m8?

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Decided to go Pyrewood, got in decently fast, but was told “only players that already have characters on this server may create new characters” or some crap like that. Finally managed to create some chars today, but had to add an ´over the i in Galaphíle (NE druid). Will see what I play first, him for pure nostalgia, my dwarf priest (Raybur) or my human warrior (Mim)

Anyone know of any plans or whatever for a guild? ^^

Netsu - Dwarf Paladin

Would be amazing to find some old school people, so many awesome people played here back then


Ops wrong char ^

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i remember you from tenacity. i was warrior called Ellib

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Ellib < Tenacity>
human warrior.

would like to see if someone remembers me😁

Ellenette, Human Mage

Started out in Grumpy Old Gits, later joined Dogs of War. Post-Vanilla was in Hellfire for a while.

Moved off Draenor onto Chamber of Aspects at one point, where I still am (renamed my mage to Elleryn though). I currently have names reserved on Hydraxian Waterlords.


Hi Mate :slight_smile: What was your char name? I’ve still got a few chars in royal templars now lol! Few of the old lot are still there!

Hey mate :slight_smile: What was your char name? We’re going on Shazzrah I think but with the announcement of new server, still unsure where to go. Deffo going PvP this time though