In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Draenor in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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My original vanilla char name is the char im posting from now. I was in the guild Spirit of Dawnsong which then disbanded and got renamed Balls
Looking to reconnect with any players from this guild or any players who may know me or the guild 
I used to play a Human Male Paladin by the name of “Dp”, can’t recall names of players I used to play with though. x.x
Would be amazing if anyone remembers me, haha. Would be ace to reach some of the players that helped my young idiot self through the game, to properly thank them and maybe play with in classic. 
I know I was in Stormwind Royal Knights for a period of time back then. Danish guild, if I recall correctly.
Hope you all have an amazing day. 
I played a gnome mage called Thorlax and gnome warrior called Thorax. I was in Ivory Heart first and then in The Zoo. My brother was a dwarf paladin called Rumblebelly. We were raiding together, but people might remember us as those brothers who always showed late for raids (since we had to have dinner with our parents) xD . I stopped playing after tbc, but curious to see if theres some people from the old days that will play classic.
@ Highlady: To be honest, the name “dp” in combination with a human male paladin does ring a bell. Don’t know though whether we played together.
@ Knievel: Don’t remember your name, but the guilds Ivory Heart and The Zoo were very well known.
I played on this character, Hedhel NE druid. During Vanilla I played in a guild called Darkmoon Kingdom, if I remember correctly. Fairly unknown, I believe. Afterwards I was a member of the guild Prodigy, in which I played pretty hardcore throughout most of TBC. My brother played a human male warlock named Gerrad. Can’t remember which guild he was in during Vanilla, but he did a bit more raiding than me.
Will probably resub for Classic and play casually. Would be funny if there are veterans here who remember the old days.
Delgado the human (at the time!) warrior here, no real plans to play classic but shout out to Eagles On Pogo Sticks!
The character I’m posting on is the one i played on back then.
Had to change my name when I transferred server years later.
Jed - Human Warlock
Started in Raiders of the Loch, a Danish guild and later joined Tenacity where I raided up till Karazhan.
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PLayed as a Holy Paladin - Mopar - was in the folowing guilds: Nothing With Light, UIO, The Hilt 
I think i remember you ^^ although i joined SoD with my rogue (Ismaur) in WotLK.
Hey, I used to play a human Paladin named Berit in Ivory Heart. I’m still playing WoW now with Exile on Magtheridon.
I remember some of you from back in the day, especially you Thorax and your brother Rumblebelly. Tell that fat dwarf to start playing again.
Draenor had a very special community back in the day. Although the experience of Classic will never live up to those days, I hope I see some of you on launch.
Kind regards
Berit (Holy Paladin) Ivory Heart / Exile
I’m still playing WoW (for my sins)
Ivory Heart - Vanilla to MoP
Exile - MoP to BFA
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Berit, I totally remember you! How’s life man? I’m starting again for sure when Classic launches 
For the other guys, so yeah, I’m Thorlax’ brother IRL, I played a Dwarf Paladin called Rumblebelly from vanilla to WOTLK in Ivory Heart after which I quit the game for about 10 years.
You might’ve met me in arena as well with my 2v2 partner Kemi or Chip, where I was spamming FoL quite a lot…
I had a Dwarf Hunter (Ravager) and a Dwarf Priest (Vania) that I played in IH frequently as well.
Great to see this topic come alive, I recognize several names, hope to see you all soon at launch <3
Rumblebelly, I’m good my friend. Really good to hear from you. Someone mentioned in Exile guild chat that you might start playing again.
I haven’t decided what PvE server I’m going to join yet, I’m waiting on more responses from this forum. I will be reserving my name (Berit) and I’ll be playing a Paladin again. Really good to hear from you. Let’s hope more of the old guard see this forum.
Looking for members of Do You Feel Lucky aka DYFL!
If you wanna reconnect with some of the guys from Aygat and Dyfl, please hit my up and I’ll throw you an invite to our Discord server!
Here goes!
I played as Darkform, a night-elf rogue. Did a lot of PvP with Silverleaf, Wing, Deionarra to name a few.
Part of Deus Ex, Cohort, Red Rum Raiders and my first guild was Alliance Unleashed who I believe was run by a dwarf rogue named Shawd.
Still play to this day. Transferred to Magtheridon when that free transfer window opened up. Currently 7/8 HC in a guild called Notability.
Used to play a hunter named Bluefox in the guild Ivory Heart (great guild)! Good times <3 many great memories from vanilla and rading/pvp!
Still playing a shaman on Outland from time to time.
I was in both SoD and Balls, currently playing BFA on Silvermoon and looking at creating a classic character or 2 on Pyrewood Village.
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Sup Birdsly, remember playing with you back in Royal Templars days.
Omg, been looking for a way to reconnect with the old gang for ages! My char was Wyndemere, human rogue (apparently I deleted her at some point, boo). I was in Deviates then Divas, played hardcore from summer to winter 2005 and a little of 2006 before switching servers. Players I’m looking to reconnect with: Soul (and their thousands of alts), Buggerlugs, Starmoon, Nairo, Lifetime, Vurigoog, Thurusaz, Ethia, Tananda, Derfel, Mthrildur, I’m probably forgetting loads but if anyone remembers me say hi! See you in Classic~
Used to play a Nightelf Druid called Kirania in ‘The Lunar Triangle’, bear tanking before it was cool (or, in all honesty, entirely viable!)
Also played a Tauren Warrior (Moofius) and Troll Hunter (Dacora) in Shadow of Dawnsong.
Tempted to play Classic again but I don’t think I’ve got the time to dedicate anymore to make it to 60 in a reasonable period.