[Draenor-EU] [Horde] LFG! More in post

Hi everyone, I’ve been looking for a new guild for a moment now, one that I can feel at home with, I’ve currently got two characters that I’d like to bring in, a DH(The one showing) and a Demo Warlock (225), I’ve raided multiple times in the past but have just come back as 9.2 launched, my schedule is rather hard to align with so im not looking to join anything core but will be there to assist or flex around what people may be in need of (DPS/Heal/Tank) be it in Raids or Mythic+

TL;DR is, dont play that much due to schedule, want to join a friendly atmosphere whilst offering to help others once my own ilvl is higher and overall fairly chill, hope to hear from you soon, feel free to add either my bnet or discord :slight_smile:

Oh and also I am 23 y/old, currently living in Canada but will be going back to the EU shortly

Bnet: Sepa#11129
Discord: Daddy Sepa#0013

Does this sound up your ally?
We have 2 raid teams, where the second team is a bit more chill, raiding Sunday & Monday, while the main team raid Wednesday & Thursday.
There is also a lot of social and casual leveling alts as well as M+ going on

dreanor eu
We are a newly formed guild, made up of old friends looking to do casual raiding!!.
Progression without the aggression :slight_smile:

Lots of spots open! so everyone’s welcome! even socials and pvp :slight_smile:

were looking at running a 2 raid night week! days to be established once we get a bigger group so we can adapt :slight_smile:

well be starting on normal, then heroic and hopefully mythic !

start times will be 7pm uk time


were just a bunch of fun loving people, who fit playing round our family and work life! All we ask is u bring a positive attitude!

anymore questions drop me a message on
NightRaven#2116148 and ill happily send u the discord link

hopefully we shall see you soon