Draenor [H] [Healer] Mistweaver MW Monk LF guild


I’m Veritaseum I’m monk who very much loves to heal but can DPS if ever required. Ilvl 191

I have played this game on and off since TBC, I have raided TBC right up until this very expansion.

I am looking for a semi-causal guild who raids 2 days a week. I would expect all at the minimum members to know tactics and bring flasks and food.

I can raid on Tuesdays Wednesdays Saturday Sundays (any time)

I’m so fed up of joining a raid team with members expecting to be carried and not know any tactics. this is why I have reached to the forums in hope of finding a guild which is better suited to me.

Thank you for reading and if you have any questions please reply to this message or add me on



Thursday and Tuesday are our raiding days, if those suit you check the thread below, and we can talk more.

hey add me on discord if u wanna have a chat DK-Reaper#8273 or check out our post here [LFM] [EU] [H] [draenor] [M+] [Raid] Relaxed social Guild recruiting