[Draenor] Healer (Resto druid, Prevoker, Rsham) looking for a new start on S3

Hello everyone!

Im coming back from a couple months break and looking for a new guild to raid with. On last season reached 4/9M, until the guild went down and couldn’t find any new guild with a open spot to join mid-season.
Im considering to main Rdruid this season, which I still need to gear up a bit before really joining the raids (ilvl 427). Last season I mained Prevoker (ilvl 447) and had a blast with Rsham on m+ (+3k). Im planning to be quite active early season so it shouldn’t be much of a problem to catch up with the gear.

Im committed to raid 2days/week (+3/week on first weeks of the new patch) and can provide 90-100% participation. The best raid time for me is between 19-24ST and all the days expect saturday works fine.

Hopefully I can find a steady group for future challenges! You can contact me on discord: imbis#2326 or Battlenet: imbakana#2216

Hey mate, I have added you for a chat