Draenor Pet Battle Trainer quests no longer available after BfA ToV update

Draenor Pet Battle Trainer quests no longer available after BfA ToV update

  • trainers no longer offer the daily quest to fight them and are missing the option to initiate a fight
  • Lio the Lioness (inside Garrison) no longer offers the weekly quest to fight 5 trainers, she still offers the daily quest to fight the pet in the garrison

was this change intended?

Seems to be all over the world. Old world pet dailys are gone too. So is the weekly Celestial Tournament on Timeless isle

I though I had the weekly on one of my Horde characters, but I can’t see it now. At least I’ve got Kura…


Quickly, how can I help a night elf’s soul before it’s too late? I don’t think the ancient halls and golden imagery are of any use there. They’ve already had it so hard these days, for Light’s sake. (Moonlight too, for the concerned.)

And now, I also can’t kinda stay indifferent about those who denied the legacy of Shiny Pet Charms, but my calendar doesn’t have any judgments scheduled today, so may your healers simply have enough mercy.

EDIT: Bert and Crysa broken too.
EDIT2: It seems to be based on recently completed quests, and a completion checkout erroneously says they’re done, which could be a source of the lockout.

Still not working for Kalimdor. I even tried different characters to see if that made any difference. They are stuck giving out the original breadcrumb quest that lets you do the tamers in the first place. My ticket says I have a 20 hour wait so thats today and yesterdays tamers not available.

Must be something to do with this pet dungeon that they put in the game. Its mucked everything up. I had a response from the GM this morning and reckoned it had been fixed. But it hasn’t. I am getting no daily quests.

Blingtron 6000 is not working for me but works for a guild mate. It’s probably a problem with the quest timer not properly resetting. I did the blingtron daily the day before the patch and he did not.

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Thank you @Brynja for this reply, seems pretty asserting… as much as I’d rather not to get the problem in the first place. <Ironforge brofist>

Bliz messing up yet again

Hotfix announced. Will apply after server restarts.

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Not fully fixed: Lio the Lioness (inside Garrison) still does not offer the weekly quest to fight 5 trainers, she still offers the daily quest to fight the pet in the garrison

OK: Trainer Ashlei was giving out the quest, again

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