Draenor - Priest (ilvl392) LF Raiding guild


I’m a holy priest ilvl392 looking for a raiding guild with 9/9n experience in BoD. I can raid on thuesday, thursday, friday and sunday from +7pm. Willing to go shadow but need new gear to respec.

Hello Audyr!

If you still is looking for a new place to call home maybe Animosity to call home.

You can add me on Zartur#2752 if you want to now more


Hey, our focus is to clear HC and move onto mythic. We raid on wed/thurs and Sunday from 20.15 to 23.00. Feel free to contact me(bastillodon#2659) if you are interested or want to know more about us.

Thanks both for replying. I added you in game so i can ask you some more info in a dialogue.


Heya Audyr

Not sure if you are interested in faction and realm change but if you do, please read a BIT more here: [A] 7/9HC LF WW, Warlock + Mage for HC/Mythic

contact me if you like more detailed information :slight_smile: Have a nice day

btag: fuge#2659