Promised is a Mythic raid guild, that raids just 1 day a week (Sunday 19:30 - 22:30). We also have an optional night on Thursday to do lower difficulty clears (socials, alts etc welcome)
We have been previously raiding Mythic 1 day a week since Nighthold, so we have a good core foundation.
We are on the look out for some good reliable people that simply don’t have the time to commit to these 2-3 day raid guilds. We recognise we will never be able to compete with the pace of progression that guilds raiding 2/3+ days a week do, but we ensure we get the most out of our 1 night! We raid with focus. Our time schedule may be casual - but we treat our Sunday raid with as much focus as anyone else.
Priority recruiting from:
- DPS Warrior
- WW Monk
- Rogue
Other DPS still considered.
Contact me ingame @ Calum#22388 for a chat if you are interested, or apply via our Discord -