Draenor - stuck in a cycle of disconnects

Stop complaining please? and tell your guildies to start tapping the free realm transfer option for lag free heaven and awesome AHs on other realms!

It’s easy. It’s free and you’ll save hundreds of pounds/euros and avoid tons of stress.

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I transferred all of my characters to Stormscale and I am very happy with it. No latency and no queues. The server also has a good population size, at around 30k.


on draenor i have 24 toons ?

Why would you lose achievements?

Okay. Good for you.

But you don’t represent every player.

Yay, glad to hear you found a better home. I’d do the same as you if my realm had gotten as bad as Draenor/Kazzak.

There’s lots of good realms, but some people just want to keep talking like Draenor/kazzak are the only realms with a decent AH/active player base. Which isn’t true!

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Please use the free server transfer so I can get back in.

Look at my server.

I’m not one of them. I’m simply saying it’d be nice of blizzard to offer this to guilds.

Maybe if Blizz merge Draenor with 2 low pop realms, perhaps it would ease things up a bit …

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I am not going anywhere. We like Draenor and for a CE guild it’s important to have a good population as recruitment on medium servers can be a tiring process.

Happy for all casuals, role players, goblins and alt hoarders you can move for free BUT DON’T PREACH this is an amazing solution Blizzard sorted it.

Fact of the matter is, they need to fix their servers and after 6 days this is a disgrace tbh.


My problem is i cant login to empty mail to move to another server…


Same here! :frowning:


Aww, sorry. There’s just so many people posting silly reasons as why they won’t relocate and tiring to check the realm for every single poster ^^

I’m 30 not a child.

And lol, I think your the one who’s behaving like a child.

People don’t wanna disband their guild, stop acting like it makes a ounce of difference to your life if they enable it.

People like you who are against changes that have a litteral 0 affect on you are the problem with these forums.

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Only took me about less then 2 weeks to level 12 characters to level 50 would not surprise me if there many players with 11 alts 1 main

24th time in a row black screen and kick on loading

And i my self have 9 characters on Draenor and given how wow realm pop calculates population that is 9 out of those 146k of total are mine.
So if lets say the avrage is 7 characters per account you maybe have 28k accounts on Draenor,but that does not mean all of them are active at the same time on the realm…and thats what i am talking when i say my 13k-15k numbers(then + the 4k in quee,log in screen stuck) =17k players active at the same time.

The avrage high pop realms have around 10k population/accounts.

logged in … disconnected
logged in , select char , take 4 steps … disconnected
logged in , black character selection screen …


Shut up. I’m not going anywhere.


It’s quite obvious I made my statement on behalf of others.

I simply stated it’d be a nice gesture if blizzard did more to try and push players to relocating. If they’re already transfering people off free there’s no harm in it.

When they allowed free transfers on classic they allowed guilds to also be transferred

Are you happy being treated less then their classic players?