It’s okay now but earlier was directly on draenor with no queue and I couldn’t change realm
How can people say this is the smoothest launch, even bfa launch was better than this
BFA was trashy and caused a player loss rather than bring players back. Not many returned for its launch.
There wasn’t player loss at the bfa launch yet
It’s been literally perfect on realms that aren’t packed past breaking point.
Yeap. Literally the ONLY thing which has kept my characters from being logged in since the SL launch is… the D-DOS against Blizzard’s servers yesterday.
Yep for those that can login this has been a pretty smooth launch. Being disconnected an hour before launch and then not getting back in for three hours meant for me personally it was not smooth.
In terms of draenor numbers, when it was announced that DKs level changed was going to be squished to start at 10, i filled up my remaining character slots with panda DKs. Obviously i can only play 1 at a time though
Draenor has started behaving again now there is actually some queuing in place
You can have all 50 on one realm if you like, they changed it a while ago.
My point isn’t that I think there’s 146k players on the server, my point is comparitively to ever other server is there’s a 100k more characters then the next largest horde realm.
Which would indicate Draenor and kazzak is likely 10x larger then every other server.
This game came from a time where servers were only able to hold like 1000 players… it’s obvious that the games improved it systems drastically. But they aren’t able to keep up with these 2 servers.
There’s no concrete way to know the playerbase. And wowprogress as far as I know tracks players via logs and more… so it’s not gonna be tracking players that returned on SL and haven’t done a ounce of content to be recognised by
It’s also tracked by armoury which takes like 3 days to update after character creation / transfer / name change
But there is one glaringly obvious part… draenor is fecking huge compared to other servers. Those queues on that server were over 11,000 on launch night for some.
That means the servers hit it’s limit and then another 11,000 are trying to get on
Same for 2 hours now. No que window, but got disconnected after about 3 mins loading screen.
Just now, I got the first que window. With 2k, and 98mins wait.
So all in all, 2h45 waiting allready. And still a 82 mins que time.
Totally NOT acceptable.
Tbh there’s not alot they can do players go as far as jamming things into their keyboards and more to ensure they don’t disconnect when they afk for long periods of time and more.
Player behaviour surrounding this events is quite drastic, and people start inputting 22hours or more a day into the game.
In all my experience I’ve never experienced a expansion launch in any mmo quite like wows. WoWs fanbase is soooo far over the norm in regards to this stuff.
On launch night streamers had players who waited 14 hours to play instead of going to bed… which meant wave after wave they were throwing 20k+ enter spams on the servers each Time it’s status moved.
Your effectively becoming a ddos by the quantity of inputs simultaniously happening 🤷🤷 it’s pretty understandable to why this is happening
If there’s 0 people logging off how can a queue ever move.
Just hopefully people start using the server transfers where possible and people start getting in far enough to take themselves away from the server also
I’ve been on Draenor server for years and I will transfer my characters but I’m unsure of what server to transfer them too.
Suggestions welcome. Has to be English speaking majority and m+ and raid etc etc and friendly.
well that explains alot,thank you for the info.
But if we look at the site you suggested the Draenor data,this is again not true,Kazzak is at 119k while Draenor is at 152k,Tarren Mill 70k,Twisting Nether 55k,Ragnaros 58k…then there are the alliance realms,but since you insist on horde here i wount list those.So its not 10x after those 2,mind you i listed only EU/EN realms,heavent listed the German,French,Russian big realms.
Vanila realms had a cap around 2,5k players,while it expanded around 3k-3,5k around wrath…biggest realm incress came around WoD where the current tech came into place.And to deal with overloads they implemented sharding in current expansion,its precurso was cross realm tech for older expansions that they still use.
This is kinda the underline of this.Wowrealm pop cant track population,wowprogress neather,but it gives you an insight so you can best guess.The problem with wowrealm and other sites that used census means they are using old data and second guessing the numbers.Census was broken a year ago during the whole classic release and blizzard not wanting the community to know the numbers for classic,so they broke both addons.
Well 100k was a exaggeration but it’s still 80k above tarren mill. Which means I weren’t far off.
But it’s still a massive difference and that’s just to it
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