Dragon Isles Emissary

Hi again guys, after dealing with a rep - the issue is still present. Dragon Isles Emissary (1st chapter of the DF campaign) does not count as a completed chapter on alts who finish the campaign. A bug is submitted as well.

here is my NA post which the rep redirected me to: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/dragon-isles-emissary/1427062/9

here is a wowhead link of people also reporting it: https://www.wowhead.com/beta/storyline/dragon-isles-emissary-1367#comments

I’m trying desperately to get this looked at as people who finished the campaign on 2 characters are most likely not caught up due to the bug. Backtracked every single quest that I had done on my main character and still, nothing is resolved.

Having the same problem on my alt. Submitted a ticket.

CM responding in another thread on US: https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/no-the-spark-of-ingenuity-storyline-for-70lvl-alt/1423747/22

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